Polyglot Data Wrangling

SQL vs Python vs R

In this post we will look a how basic data wrangling operations can be performed in 3 languages commonly used in data science:

  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Python
  • R

Note that while Python and R have obvious similarities in their approach to data wrangling, SQL is designed to work with relational data, where most of the time consuming operations are (ideally) performed on the database side rather than in the client’s memory. Both Python and R can process data in chunks, or even work with huge, distributed data sets through libraries like Dask (Python only) or Apache Spark (Python, R, Scala, Java). However, we’re mostly interested in illustrating some basic data wrangling pipelines in all three languages, so we’ll be using a small database that can easily fit in memory.

The Jupyter notebook allows us to run all our examples in one place. We’ll run an IPython kernel as our base platform and use an IPython magic command to run our R code within the same environment, and we’ll use sqlalchemy to run queries on a postgreSQL data base.

We won’t be covering the basics of each language in this post. There are many excellent resources online. For data wrangling the Python Data Science Handbook is an outstanding book. For R it’s hard to get past the wonderful R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham. For SQL there are more resources than we can mention, especially once we factor in the various vendor-specific flavours of SQL. One of my personal favourites is SQL Fundamentals for BI by Jeffrey James. Our SQL examples are based on some of the contents of that course.

We start by loading the Python required libraries (we’ll do all our data wrangling using the awesome pandas module) and create a connection to the PostgreSQL database using sqlalchemy. For our examples we’ll be using the well-known dvdrental database which contains 15 tables representing various aspects of a DVD rental business.

# Connect to a SQL (PostgreSQL) database
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
db = 'postgres:///dvdrental'
con = create_engine(db, echo=False)

# Import pandas for data wrangling in python
import pandas as pd
import warnings

# use ipython magic command to load R into our environment.
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

All our R code will be preceded by %%R command to run it on the R interpreter from within our Jupyter notebook. We start by loading the tidyverse library (which is in fact a collection of libraries), and setting an option to improve how some outputs are rendered in the notebook.

options(crayon.enabled = FALSE)

Because we’re running on top of an ipython kernel, we’ll write our SQL queries as strings and use pandas to run them on our database via sqlalchemy.

The data

First, let’s see what tables are in our DVD rental database.

q = '''
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables;
df = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
tables = df[~(df.tablename.str.startswith('pg_')|df.tablename.str.startswith('sql_'))].tablename.values
['category' 'country' 'film_category' 'language' 'inventory' 'actor'
 'staff' 'payment' 'rental' 'store' 'city' 'film' 'address' 'film_actor'

For convenience, let’s create a python dictionary with all the tables as dataframes.

Obviously, this means that we’re loading all the tables into memory, which is not what one would typically want to do with a SQL database, however, since our database is small, and we’re only interested in comparing the wrangling syntax across different languages, this is fine for our purpose.

tbl = {table: pd.read_sql_query(f'SELECT * FROM {table};', 
                                con, parse_dates=['payment_date']) 
       for table in tables}

Let’s look at a few rows of the payment table.

payment = tbl['payment']
payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount payment_date
0 17503 341 2 1520 7.99 2007-02-15 22:25:46.996577
1 17504 341 1 1778 1.99 2007-02-16 17:23:14.996577
2 17505 341 1 1849 7.99 2007-02-16 22:41:45.996577
3 17506 341 2 2829 2.99 2007-02-19 19:39:56.996577
4 17507 341 2 3130 7.99 2007-02-20 17:31:48.996577

We can “pass” the payment dataframe to R in the following way:

%%R -i payment
  payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount        payment_date
0      17503         341        2      1520   7.99 2007-02-15 22:25:46
1      17504         341        1      1778   1.99 2007-02-16 17:23:14
2      17505         341        1      1849   7.99 2007-02-16 22:41:45
3      17506         341        2      2829   2.99 2007-02-19 19:39:56
4      17507         341        2      3130   7.99 2007-02-20 17:31:48
5      17508         341        1      3382   5.99 2007-02-21 12:33:49

Now that we’ve got all the tables loaded, let’s run a few queries.

Let’s start with something simple.

Which movie rentals were below a dollar for customers with an id above 500?


The query is nothing fancy here. We’re selecting a few features (columns) from the payment table, filtering on the dollar amount and customer id before ordering the rows.

q = '''
    p.payment_id, p.customer_id, p.amount 
    payment p
    p.amount < 1 AND p.customer_id > 500
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)     # run the query on the database
print(df_sql.shape)                    # output the shape of the resulting table
df_sql.head()                          # display the first few rows
(413, 3)
payment_id customer_id amount
0 18121 502 0.99
1 18122 502 0.99
2 18125 503 0.99
3 18134 506 0.99
4 18144 510 0.99

▶ Python

Pandas allow us to chain methods on a dataframe, however, writing everything on a single line is cumbersome for long pipelines.

We can write each step of the pipeline on its own line by wrapping the pipeline in brackets.

df = (payment[(payment.amount < 1) & (payment.customer_id > 500)]  # select rows based on conditions
         .loc[:, ['payment_id','customer_id','amount']]            # select 3 columns
         .sort_values(by=['payment_id', 'customer_id', 'amount'],  # sort the rows according to the values  
                      ascending=[True, False, True])               #      in the columns
         .reset_index(drop=True)                                   # not really required but looks nicer
(413, 3)
payment_id customer_id amount
0 18121 502 0.99
1 18122 502 0.99
2 18125 503 0.99
3 18134 506 0.99
4 18144 510 0.99

▶ R

For this simple query the R code is similar to the Python one. The pipe symbol %>% is equivalent to the dot symbol in pandas which allows us to chain methods together.

The %%R -o df_r part of the code is a way to transfer the R dataframe back to our Python interpreter.

%%R -o df_r   
df_r = payment %>% 
        filter(amount < 1, customer_id > 500) %>% 
        select(payment_id, customer_id, amount) %>% 
        arrange(payment_id, desc(customer_id), amount)
payment_id customer_id amount
0 18121 502 0.99
1 18122 502 0.99
2 18125 503 0.99
3 18134 506 0.99
4 18144 510 0.99

Sanity check

Just to make sure that we’ve run our query correctly, we can compare the result from the SQL query with the results of the Python and R pipelines. Because of the fact that R indexing starts at 1 instead of 0, we need to reset the index of the R dataframe after we export it to Python.

all(df==df_sql), all(df_r==df_sql)
(True, True)

Any other trivial query could be handled in a similar way…

Let’s look at a query where we need to extract a feature that doesn’t appear explicitly in the original data.

Which transactions occured in the month of March only?

The payment table has a payment_date feature from which we will need to extract the month.


We can extract the month value out of the payment_date column using the EXTRACT function.

q = '''
    p.payment_id, p.customer_id cust_id, p.amount, p.payment_date
    payment p
    EXTRACT(month FROM p.payment_date) = 3
    AND p.amount < 1
    cust_id DESC, 3 ASC;
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(1021, 4)
payment_id cust_id amount payment_date
0 22611 598 0.99 2007-03-02 15:51:25.996577
1 22613 598 0.99 2007-03-21 07:09:41.996577
2 22606 597 0.99 2007-03-19 05:51:32.996577
3 22589 596 0.99 2007-03-01 20:50:37.996577
4 22598 596 0.99 2007-03-22 21:49:07.996577

▶ Python

When we loaded the payment table from the database using sqlalchemy, the payment_date feature was correctly parsed as a datetime object.

This allows us to use the pandas dt accessor to extract a variety of date and time related features, including the month.

df = (payment[(payment.amount < 1) & (payment.payment_date.dt.month==3)]
       .rename({'customer_id': 'cust_id'}, axis=1)
       .reindex(['payment_id','cust_id','amount','payment_date'], axis=1)
       .sort_values(['cust_id', 'amount'], ascending=[False, True])
(1021, 4)
payment_id cust_id amount payment_date
0 22611 598 0.99 2007-03-02 15:51:25.996577
1 22613 598 0.99 2007-03-21 07:09:41.996577
2 22606 597 0.99 2007-03-19 05:51:32.996577
3 22589 596 0.99 2007-03-01 20:50:37.996577
4 22592 596 0.99 2007-03-17 15:08:26.996577

▶ R

A great way to handle datetime objects in R is via the lubridate library. To make it clear when we’re using a lubridate object, we won’t load the library, but we call its functions using the lubridate:: prefix.

%%R -o df_r
df_r = payment %>% 
        filter(amount < 1, lubridate::month(payment$payment_date)==3) %>% 
        rename(cust_id=customer_id) %>% 
        select(-rental_id, -staff_id) %>% 
        arrange(desc(cust_id), amount)
(1021, 4)
payment_id cust_id amount payment_date
0 22611 598 0.99 2007-03-02 15:51:25+11:00
1 22613 598 0.99 2007-03-21 07:09:41+11:00
2 22606 597 0.99 2007-03-19 05:51:32+11:00
3 22589 596 0.99 2007-03-01 20:50:37+11:00
4 22592 596 0.99 2007-03-17 15:08:26+11:00

Here we get an glimpse into the infinite joy of working with datetime objects.

During the transfer from Python to R and back to Python, our payment_date format has changed slightly.

Instead of worrying about fixing this we’ll just exclude that column when comparing the R result with the SQL/Python ones.

Henceforth, we won’t be worrying about this issue. We’ll simply check that the dataframes shape match and the first few rows are consistent.

all(df==df_sql), all(df.iloc[:, :-1]==df_r.iloc[:, :-1])
(True, True)

Which day saw the most business (largest number of transactions)?

This is a common operation. We need to group our payments by date, count how many transactions occured on that date and order the results accordingly.


q = '''
    p.payment_date::date, COUNT(*)
    payment p
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(32, 2)
payment_date count
0 2007-04-30 1311
1 2007-03-01 676
2 2007-03-21 673
3 2007-04-27 643
4 2007-04-29 640
5 2007-03-19 631
6 2007-04-28 627
7 2007-03-18 624
8 2007-03-22 621
9 2007-03-20 611
10 2007-03-02 595
11 2007-03-17 584
12 2007-03-23 557
13 2007-04-08 516
14 2007-04-09 514
15 2007-04-06 486
16 2007-04-10 482
17 2007-04-07 472
18 2007-04-11 468
19 2007-04-12 452
20 2007-02-19 310
21 2007-02-15 308
22 2007-02-18 302
23 2007-02-20 291
24 2007-02-17 283
25 2007-02-16 282
26 2007-02-21 213
27 2007-05-14 182
28 2007-04-26 79
29 2007-03-16 72
30 2007-04-05 64
31 2007-02-14 27

▶ Python

The Python pipeline mimics the SQL query rather closely.

df = (payment
payment_date count
0 2007-04-30 1311
1 2007-03-01 676
2 2007-03-21 673
3 2007-04-27 643
4 2007-04-29 640
5 2007-03-19 631
6 2007-04-28 627
7 2007-03-18 624
8 2007-03-22 621
9 2007-03-20 611
10 2007-03-02 595
11 2007-03-17 584
12 2007-03-23 557
13 2007-04-08 516
14 2007-04-09 514
15 2007-04-06 486
16 2007-04-10 482
17 2007-04-07 472
18 2007-04-11 468
19 2007-04-12 452
20 2007-02-19 310
21 2007-02-15 308
22 2007-02-18 302
23 2007-02-20 291
24 2007-02-17 283
25 2007-02-16 282
26 2007-02-21 213
27 2007-05-14 182
28 2007-04-26 79
29 2007-03-16 72
30 2007-04-05 64
31 2007-02-14 27

▶ R

We follow the same pattern for our R code. The conversion to a dataframe at the end (using as.data.frame) is simply to get a nicer formatting of the output.

df_r = payment %>% 
        group_by(payment_date=lubridate::date(payment$payment_date)) %>% 
        summarise(n = n()) %>% 
        arrange(desc(n)) %>%
   payment_date    n
1    2007-04-30 1311
2    2007-03-01  676
3    2007-03-21  673
4    2007-04-27  643
5    2007-04-29  640
6    2007-03-19  631
7    2007-04-28  627
8    2007-03-18  624
9    2007-03-22  621
10   2007-03-20  611
11   2007-03-02  595
12   2007-03-17  584
13   2007-03-23  557
14   2007-04-08  516
15   2007-04-09  514
16   2007-04-06  486
17   2007-04-10  482
18   2007-04-07  472
19   2007-04-11  468
20   2007-04-12  452
21   2007-02-19  310
22   2007-02-15  308
23   2007-02-18  302
24   2007-02-20  291
25   2007-02-17  283
26   2007-02-16  282
27   2007-02-21  213
28   2007-05-14  182
29   2007-04-26   79
30   2007-03-16   72
31   2007-04-05   64
32   2007-02-14   27

How much did each customer spend and when?

We can answer this question in a number of ways. Let’s return a sequence of transaction dates for each customer. In SQL we can do that with an array.


q = '''
    SUM(p.amount) total, 
    ARRAY_AGG(p.payment_date::date) dates
    payment p

df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(599, 3)
customer_id total dates
0 148 211.55 [2007-02-15, 2007-02-15, 2007-02-19, 2007-02-1...
1 526 208.58 [2007-02-15, 2007-02-16, 2007-02-17, 2007-02-1...
2 178 194.61 [2007-02-15, 2007-02-15, 2007-02-16, 2007-02-1...
3 137 191.62 [2007-02-18, 2007-02-19, 2007-02-20, 2007-02-2...
4 144 189.60 [2007-02-16, 2007-02-17, 2007-02-19, 2007-02-2...

▶ Python

In Python we’ll gather the transaction dates for each customer as a list.

We can build that list using a lambda (anonymous) function during the aggregation step.

df = (payment
       .groupby('customer_id')[['amount', 'payment_date']]
               'payment_date': lambda x: list(x.dt.date)
       .rename(columns={'amount':'total', 'payment_date': 'date'})
       .sort_values('total', ascending=False)
(599, 3)
customer_id total date
0 148 211.55 [2007-02-15, 2007-02-15, 2007-02-19, 2007-02-1...
1 526 208.58 [2007-02-15, 2007-02-16, 2007-02-17, 2007-02-1...
2 178 194.61 [2007-02-15, 2007-02-15, 2007-02-16, 2007-02-1...
3 137 191.62 [2007-02-18, 2007-02-19, 2007-02-20, 2007-02-2...
4 144 189.60 [2007-02-16, 2007-02-17, 2007-02-19, 2007-02-2...

▶ R

For this query the R code is similar to the Python one (syntactic idiosyncrasies aside).

df_r = payment %>% 
      mutate(payment_date = as.Date(payment_date)) %>% 
      group_by(customer_id) %>% 
      summarise(total=sum(amount), dates=list(payment_date)) %>% 

print(head(df_r, 5))
[1] 599   3
# A tibble: 5 x 3
  customer_id total dates      
        <int> <dbl> <list>     
1         148  212. <date [45]>
2         526  209. <date [42]>
3         178  195. <date [39]>
4         137  192. <date [38]>
5         144  190. <date [40]>

At first glance it looks like the results are different from the SQL/Python, but this is purely cosmetic. The R data structure (a tibble actually) rounds up the floating point values and shrinks the lists when displaying the results. We could convert the tibble to a R dataframe but the output would be unwieldy. Instead, we can unpack the first row to show that the data has been parsed correctly.

[1] 211.55
 [1] "2007-02-15" "2007-02-15" "2007-02-19" "2007-02-19" "2007-02-19"
 [6] "2007-03-01" "2007-03-02" "2007-03-17" "2007-03-17" "2007-03-18"
[11] "2007-03-18" "2007-03-18" "2007-03-20" "2007-03-20" "2007-03-20"
[16] "2007-03-21" "2007-03-21" "2007-03-21" "2007-03-21" "2007-03-22"
[21] "2007-03-22" "2007-03-22" "2007-03-22" "2007-04-05" "2007-04-06"
[26] "2007-04-08" "2007-04-08" "2007-04-08" "2007-04-09" "2007-04-10"
[31] "2007-04-11" "2007-04-12" "2007-04-27" "2007-04-27" "2007-04-27"
[36] "2007-04-28" "2007-04-28" "2007-04-28" "2007-04-29" "2007-04-29"
[41] "2007-04-29" "2007-04-29" "2007-04-30" "2007-04-29" "2007-04-30"

Which days of March 2007 recorded no sale?

This may seem like the sort of query we’ve already looked at, however there is a catch. The database only records transactions that have occurred (it seems obvious when said like that!). This means that dates with no sales aren’t in the database. Therefore we need to generate a series of dates (with a daily frequency) and join our payment data on it to find the days with no sales.

In PostgreSQL we can use generate_series to do that. Note that we select from it as if it were a table (which we name gs). By joining on it we can “expand” our payment data to include the dates for which no transaction took place. These would of course contain NULL values for the transaction data. By identifying where those NULL rows are we can answer the original question.


q = '''
    gs::date, p.*
    generate_series('2007-03-01', '2007-03-31', INTERVAL '1 Day') gs
    payment p 
    p.payment_date::date = gs::date
    payment_date is NULL
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con).fillna('')['gs']
0     2007-03-03
1     2007-03-04
2     2007-03-05
3     2007-03-06
4     2007-03-07
5     2007-03-08
6     2007-03-09
7     2007-03-10
8     2007-03-11
9     2007-03-12
10    2007-03-13
11    2007-03-14
12    2007-03-15
13    2007-03-24
14    2007-03-25
15    2007-03-26
16    2007-03-27
17    2007-03-28
18    2007-03-29
19    2007-03-30
20    2007-03-31
Name: gs, dtype: object

▶ Python

We could do something similar in Python, however let’s try a more pythonic approach and use set operations to extract the dates we want. We simply construct the set of all dates in March 2007 and take the difference with the dates that are already in the database. The moral of the story here is that whereas the Python (and R) syntax can often look SQLish, this is not always the most concise or even suitable way to get to the answer.

gs = pd.date_range(start='20070301', end='20070331', freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame(index = set(gs.date) - set(payment.payment_date.dt.date.values)).sort_index()
(21, 0)

▶ R

Set operations also work in R. The output is a bit strange. We have a list of lists with a single element. We could flatten the nested list but it would only obfuscate the code so we’ll leave it like that.

gs = seq(lubridate::ymd('2007-03-01'), lubridate::ymd('2007-03-31'), by = '1 day')
lapply(sort(setdiff(gs, lubridate::date(payment$payment_date))), as.Date, origin='1970-01-01')
[1] "2007-03-03"

[1] "2007-03-04"

[1] "2007-03-05"

[1] "2007-03-06"

[1] "2007-03-07"

[1] "2007-03-08"

[1] "2007-03-09"

[1] "2007-03-10"

[1] "2007-03-11"

[1] "2007-03-12"

[1] "2007-03-13"

[1] "2007-03-14"

[1] "2007-03-15"

[1] "2007-03-24"

[1] "2007-03-25"

[1] "2007-03-26"

[1] "2007-03-27"

[1] "2007-03-28"

[1] "2007-03-29"

[1] "2007-03-30"

[1] "2007-03-31"

How many transactions were there for each day of March 2007?

This is a simple question, we just need to keep in mind that some days had no transaction. We should still ouput those with a count of zero. The basic idea is similar to the previous example. We create a time series to “pad out” the missing days in the payment_date feature.


q = '''
    gs::date date, 
    COUNT(p.*) number_of_transactions
    generate_series('2007-03-01', '2007-03-31', INTERVAL '1 Day') gs
    payment p 
    p.payment_date::date = gs::date 
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(31, 2)
date number_of_transactions
0 2007-03-01 676
1 2007-03-02 595
2 2007-03-03 0
3 2007-03-04 0
4 2007-03-05 0
5 2007-03-06 0
6 2007-03-07 0
7 2007-03-08 0
8 2007-03-09 0
9 2007-03-10 0
10 2007-03-11 0
11 2007-03-12 0
12 2007-03-13 0
13 2007-03-14 0
14 2007-03-15 0
15 2007-03-16 72
16 2007-03-17 584
17 2007-03-18 624
18 2007-03-19 631
19 2007-03-20 611
20 2007-03-21 673
21 2007-03-22 621
22 2007-03-23 557
23 2007-03-24 0
24 2007-03-25 0
25 2007-03-26 0
26 2007-03-27 0
27 2007-03-28 0
28 2007-03-29 0
29 2007-03-30 0
30 2007-03-31 0

▶ Python

Similarly, in Python we can create the series of dates for March 2007 using the date_range object from pandas.

gs = pd.date_range(start='20070301', end='20070331', freq='D')
df = (payment
       .reindex(gs, fill_value=0)

(31, 2)
date number_of_transactions
0 2007-03-01 676
1 2007-03-02 595
2 2007-03-03 0
3 2007-03-04 0
4 2007-03-05 0
5 2007-03-06 0
6 2007-03-07 0
7 2007-03-08 0
8 2007-03-09 0
9 2007-03-10 0
10 2007-03-11 0
11 2007-03-12 0
12 2007-03-13 0
13 2007-03-14 0
14 2007-03-15 0
15 2007-03-16 72
16 2007-03-17 584
17 2007-03-18 624
18 2007-03-19 631
19 2007-03-20 611
20 2007-03-21 673
21 2007-03-22 621
22 2007-03-23 557
23 2007-03-24 0
24 2007-03-25 0
25 2007-03-26 0
26 2007-03-27 0
27 2007-03-28 0
28 2007-03-29 0
29 2007-03-30 0
30 2007-03-31 0

▶ R

Once again, the pattern for R follows the same principles.

gs = data_frame(payment_date=seq(lubridate::ymd('2007-03-01'), 
                                 by = '1 day'))

df_r = payment %>% 
      mutate(payment_date=lubridate::date(payment_date)) %>% 
      group_by(payment_date) %>% 
      summarise(number_of_transactions=n()) %>% 
      right_join(gs, by='payment_date') %>%

   payment_date number_of_transactions
1    2007-03-01                    676
2    2007-03-02                    595
3    2007-03-03                      0
4    2007-03-04                      0
5    2007-03-05                      0
6    2007-03-06                      0
7    2007-03-07                      0
8    2007-03-08                      0
9    2007-03-09                      0
10   2007-03-10                      0
11   2007-03-11                      0
12   2007-03-12                      0
13   2007-03-13                      0
14   2007-03-14                      0
15   2007-03-15                      0
16   2007-03-16                     72
17   2007-03-17                    584
18   2007-03-18                    624
19   2007-03-19                    631
20   2007-03-20                    611
21   2007-03-21                    673
22   2007-03-22                    621
23   2007-03-23                    557
24   2007-03-24                      0
25   2007-03-25                      0
26   2007-03-26                      0
27   2007-03-27                      0
28   2007-03-28                      0
29   2007-03-29                      0
30   2007-03-30                      0
31   2007-03-31                      0

Days with no transactions in March 2007 - Alternate version

Let’s revisit the problem we dealt with previous using set operations in Python and R and illustrate how we could answer the question using a more SQLish pipeline. We can reuse the code from the previous example. We just need to add a filtering step.


q = '''
    gs::date date, COUNT(p.*) number_of_transactions
    generate_series('2007-03-01', '2007-03-31', INTERVAL '1 Day') gs
    payment p 
    p.payment_date::date = gs::date 
    COUNT(p.*) = 0
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(21, 2)
date number_of_transactions
0 2007-03-03 0
1 2007-03-04 0
2 2007-03-05 0
3 2007-03-06 0
4 2007-03-07 0
5 2007-03-08 0
6 2007-03-09 0
7 2007-03-10 0
8 2007-03-11 0
9 2007-03-12 0
10 2007-03-13 0
11 2007-03-14 0
12 2007-03-15 0
13 2007-03-24 0
14 2007-03-25 0
15 2007-03-26 0
16 2007-03-27 0
17 2007-03-28 0
18 2007-03-29 0
19 2007-03-30 0
20 2007-03-31 0

▶ Python

gs = pd.date_range(start='20070301', end='20070331', freq='D')
df = (payment
       .reindex(gs, fill_value=0)
       .query('number_of_transactions == 0')  

(21, 1)
2007-03-03 0
2007-03-04 0
2007-03-05 0
2007-03-06 0
2007-03-07 0
2007-03-08 0
2007-03-09 0
2007-03-10 0
2007-03-11 0
2007-03-12 0
2007-03-13 0
2007-03-14 0
2007-03-15 0
2007-03-24 0
2007-03-25 0
2007-03-26 0
2007-03-27 0
2007-03-28 0
2007-03-29 0
2007-03-30 0
2007-03-31 0

▶ R

gs = data_frame(payment_date=seq(lubridate::ymd('2007-03-01'), 
                                 by = '1 day'))

df_r = payment %>% 
      mutate(payment_date=lubridate::date(payment_date)) %>% 
      group_by(payment_date) %>% 
      summarise(number_of_transactions=n()) %>% 
      right_join(gs, by="payment_date") %>%
      replace_na(list(number_of_transactions=0)) %>%

[1] 21  2
   payment_date number_of_transactions
1    2007-03-03                      0
2    2007-03-04                      0
3    2007-03-05                      0
4    2007-03-06                      0
5    2007-03-07                      0
6    2007-03-08                      0
7    2007-03-09                      0
8    2007-03-10                      0
9    2007-03-11                      0
10   2007-03-12                      0
11   2007-03-13                      0
12   2007-03-14                      0
13   2007-03-15                      0
14   2007-03-24                      0
15   2007-03-25                      0
16   2007-03-26                      0
17   2007-03-27                      0
18   2007-03-28                      0
19   2007-03-29                      0
20   2007-03-30                      0
21   2007-03-31                      0

Which movies have never been rented?

So far we’ve only worked with a single table out of the 15 contained in the database. To match movies to rental transactions we will need to use 3 new tables. The film one contains information about the movies, the inventory one links the movies to an inventory id, which is used in the rental table to connect movies to actual rentals.

Let’s have a look at the structures of these tables.

for t in ['inventory', 'payment', 'rental', 'film']:
    q = f'''
    df = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
inventory_id film_id store_id last_update
0 1 1 1 2006-02-15 10:09:17
payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount payment_date
0 17503 341 2 1520 7.99 2007-02-15 22:25:46.996577
rental_id rental_date inventory_id customer_id return_date staff_id last_update
0 2 2005-05-24 22:54:33 1525 459 2005-05-28 19:40:33 1 2006-02-16 02:30:53
film_id title description release_year language_id rental_duration rental_rate length replacement_cost rating last_update special_features fulltext
0 133 Chamber Italian A Fateful Reflection of a Moose And a Husband ... 2006 1 7 4.99 117 14.99 NC-17 2013-05-26 14:50:58.951 [Trailers] 'chamber':1 'fate':4 'husband':11 'italian':2 ...


Let’s join the tables, count how many times each movie has been rented and select those for which the count is zero.

q = '''
    t.film_id, t.title, t.rentals 
        f.film_id, f.title, 
        COUNT(distinct r.rental_id) as rentals
    FROM film f
        LEFT JOIN inventory i ON i.film_id = f.film_id
        LEFT JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
    GROUP BY 1,2
        COUNT(distinct r.rental_id) = 0
        ) t
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(42, 3)
film_id title rentals
0 14 Alice Fantasia 0
1 33 Apollo Teen 0
2 36 Argonauts Town 0
3 38 Ark Ridgemont 0
4 41 Arsenic Independence 0
5 87 Boondock Ballroom 0
6 108 Butch Panther 0
7 128 Catch Amistad 0
8 144 Chinatown Gladiator 0
9 148 Chocolate Duck 0
10 171 Commandments Express 0
11 192 Crossing Divorce 0
12 195 Crowds Telemark 0
13 198 Crystal Breaking 0
14 217 Dazed Punk 0
15 221 Deliverance Mulholland 0
16 318 Firehouse Vietnam 0
17 325 Floats Garden 0
18 332 Frankenstein Stranger 0
19 359 Gladiator Westward 0
20 386 Gump Date 0
21 404 Hate Handicap 0
22 419 Hocus Frida 0
23 495 Kentuckian Giant 0
24 497 Kill Brotherhood 0
25 607 Muppet Mile 0
26 642 Order Betrayed 0
27 669 Pearl Destiny 0
28 671 Perdition Fargo 0
29 701 Psycho Shrunk 0
30 712 Raiders Antitrust 0
31 713 Rainbow Shock 0
32 742 Roof Champion 0
33 801 Sister Freddy 0
34 802 Sky Miracle 0
35 860 Suicides Silence 0
36 874 Tadpole Park 0
37 909 Treasure Command 0
38 943 Villain Desperate 0
39 950 Volume House 0
40 954 Wake Jaws 0
41 955 Walls Artist 0

▶ Python

The go to approach for join operations in pandas is the merge method. The type of join can be specified as an optional parameter.

film, inventory, rental = tbl['film'], tbl['inventory'], tbl['rental']

df = (film
        .merge(inventory, on='film_id', how='left')
        .merge(rental, on='inventory_id', how='left')
        .query('rentals == 0')
(42, 3)
film_id title rentals
0 14 Alice Fantasia 0
1 33 Apollo Teen 0
2 36 Argonauts Town 0
3 38 Ark Ridgemont 0
4 41 Arsenic Independence 0
5 87 Boondock Ballroom 0
6 108 Butch Panther 0
7 128 Catch Amistad 0
8 144 Chinatown Gladiator 0
9 148 Chocolate Duck 0
10 171 Commandments Express 0
11 192 Crossing Divorce 0
12 195 Crowds Telemark 0
13 198 Crystal Breaking 0
14 217 Dazed Punk 0
15 221 Deliverance Mulholland 0
16 318 Firehouse Vietnam 0
17 325 Floats Garden 0
18 332 Frankenstein Stranger 0
19 359 Gladiator Westward 0
20 386 Gump Date 0
21 404 Hate Handicap 0
22 419 Hocus Frida 0
23 495 Kentuckian Giant 0
24 497 Kill Brotherhood 0
25 607 Muppet Mile 0
26 642 Order Betrayed 0
27 669 Pearl Destiny 0
28 671 Perdition Fargo 0
29 701 Psycho Shrunk 0
30 712 Raiders Antitrust 0
31 713 Rainbow Shock 0
32 742 Roof Champion 0
33 801 Sister Freddy 0
34 802 Sky Miracle 0
35 860 Suicides Silence 0
36 874 Tadpole Park 0
37 909 Treasure Command 0
38 943 Villain Desperate 0
39 950 Volume House 0
40 954 Wake Jaws 0
41 955 Walls Artist 0

▶ R

We start by “transfering” the new dataframes to R. The rest of the pipeline is very much like the one used in Python.

%%R -i rental -i inventory -i film -o df_r
df_r = film %>% 
        left_join(inventory, by="film_id") %>% 
        left_join(rental, by="inventory_id") %>% 
        group_by(film_id, title) %>% 
        summarise(rentals=n_distinct(rental_id, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
        filter(rentals==0) %>%

   film_id                  title rentals
1       14         Alice Fantasia       0
2       33            Apollo Teen       0
3       36         Argonauts Town       0
4       38          Ark Ridgemont       0
5       41   Arsenic Independence       0
6       87      Boondock Ballroom       0
7      108          Butch Panther       0
8      128          Catch Amistad       0
9      144    Chinatown Gladiator       0
10     148         Chocolate Duck       0
11     171   Commandments Express       0
12     192       Crossing Divorce       0
13     195        Crowds Telemark       0
14     198       Crystal Breaking       0
15     217             Dazed Punk       0
16     221 Deliverance Mulholland       0
17     318      Firehouse Vietnam       0
18     325          Floats Garden       0
19     332  Frankenstein Stranger       0
20     359     Gladiator Westward       0
21     386              Gump Date       0
22     404          Hate Handicap       0
23     419            Hocus Frida       0
24     495       Kentuckian Giant       0
25     497       Kill Brotherhood       0
26     607            Muppet Mile       0
27     642         Order Betrayed       0
28     669          Pearl Destiny       0
29     671        Perdition Fargo       0
30     701          Psycho Shrunk       0
31     712      Raiders Antitrust       0
32     713          Rainbow Shock       0
33     742          Roof Champion       0
34     801          Sister Freddy       0
35     802            Sky Miracle       0
36     860       Suicides Silence       0
37     874           Tadpole Park       0
38     909       Treasure Command       0
39     943      Villain Desperate       0
40     950           Volume House       0
41     954              Wake Jaws       0
42     955           Walls Artist       0
all(df==df_sql), all(df==df_r)
(True, True)

Find each customer’s first order.

To solve the problem in SQL we need to use a correlated subquery whereby the inner query gets executed for every row of the outer query.

In our case, the inner query gets executed for every row of the outer query because min(rental_id) will change with each customer.


q = '''
    min(r.rental_id) first_order_id, 
        SELECT r2.rental_date::date FROM rental r2 
        WHERE r2.rental_id = min(r.rental_id)
    ) first_order_date
    rental r

df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(599, 3)
customer_id first_order_id first_order_date
0 1 76 2005-05-25
1 2 320 2005-05-27
2 3 435 2005-05-27
3 4 1297 2005-06-15
4 5 731 2005-05-29

▶ Python

In this case the Python syntax is a bit simpler. We group by the customer_id and pick the smallest rental_id.

df = (rental
        .groupby(['customer_id' ])['rental_id','rental_date']
        .rename(columns={'rental_id':'first_order_id', 'rental_date':'first_order_date'})

(599, 3)
customer_id first_order_id first_order_date
0 1 76 2005-05-25
1 2 320 2005-05-27
2 3 435 2005-05-27
3 4 1297 2005-06-15
4 5 731 2005-05-29

▶ R

The R version of the code is similar to the Python one.


df_r = rental %>% 
        mutate(rental_date=lubridate::date(rental_date)) %>% 
        group_by(customer_id) %>% 
        summarise_at(vars(rental_id, rental_date), funs(min)) %>%

print(head(df_r, 5))
[1] 599   3
  customer_id rental_id rental_date
1           1        76  2005-05-25
2           2       320  2005-05-27
3           3       435  2005-05-27
4           4      1297  2005-06-15
5           5       731  2005-05-29

Handling multiple conditions.

Let’s look at a more complex query. We’d like to return all the rental transactions conducted by the staff with id 1, for which the rental id is larger than 15000, and the payment occured between 3am and 4am or 11pm and midnight in March 2007.


Although more complex than our previous examples, this query can be built from the pieces we’ve used before. To keep things somewhat simple, we’ll assume that between 3am and 4am means between 3:00 and 3:59. This will allow use to only concern ourselves with the hour number when filtering our data. Same with the second time period.

q = '''
WITH base_table AS (
    SELECT gs::date AS date,  p.*
        generate_series('2007-03-01', '2007-03-31', INTERVAL '1 day') as gs
    LEFT JOIN payment p ON p.payment_date::date=gs::date AND p.staff_id = 1
    bt.date, bt.payment_id, bt.customer_id, bt.staff_id, bt.rental_id, bt.amount, 
    EXTRACT(hour FROM bt.payment_date)::int AS hour
    base_table bt
    bt.rental_id > 15000 
    EXTRACT(hour FROM bt.payment_date) IN (4,23)
ORDER BY bt.payment_date, bt.rental_id
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(36, 7)
date payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount hour
0 2007-03-22 23134 46 1 15438 2.99 23
1 2007-03-22 23958 136 1 15439 4.99 23
2 2007-03-22 23095 42 1 15442 2.99 23
3 2007-03-22 22615 598 1 15443 7.99 23
4 2007-03-22 22960 28 1 15445 4.99 23
5 2007-03-22 20574 379 1 15446 4.99 23
6 2007-03-22 21651 490 1 15448 2.99 23
7 2007-03-22 20027 322 1 15450 0.99 23
8 2007-03-22 21866 514 1 15451 2.99 23
9 2007-03-22 20370 359 1 15453 1.99 23
10 2007-03-22 24882 238 1 15455 0.99 23
11 2007-03-22 25113 262 1 15456 0.99 23
12 2007-03-22 19906 306 1 15457 2.99 23
13 2007-03-22 22876 20 1 15460 2.99 23
14 2007-03-22 23646 103 1 15461 5.99 23
15 2007-03-22 20675 389 1 15462 5.99 23
16 2007-03-22 23869 127 1 15463 5.99 23
17 2007-03-22 23283 62 1 15464 6.99 23
18 2007-03-22 21921 520 1 15465 0.99 23
19 2007-03-22 20970 418 1 15466 4.99 23
20 2007-03-22 23647 103 1 15467 3.99 23
21 2007-03-22 20768 399 1 15468 4.99 23
22 2007-03-22 22610 597 1 15469 4.99 23
23 2007-03-23 24692 215 1 15583 2.99 4
24 2007-03-23 21731 500 1 15584 2.99 4
25 2007-03-23 22149 545 1 15585 0.99 4
26 2007-03-23 21723 499 1 15587 7.99 4
27 2007-03-23 21764 503 1 15588 3.99 4
28 2007-03-23 22901 22 1 15589 6.99 4
29 2007-03-23 23284 62 1 15591 0.99 4
30 2007-03-23 24163 153 1 15593 1.99 4
31 2007-03-23 25135 264 1 15595 4.99 4
32 2007-03-23 24478 186 1 15596 0.99 4
33 2007-03-23 23323 66 1 15598 8.99 4
34 2007-03-23 23648 103 1 15599 5.99 4
35 2007-03-23 23729 113 1 15600 1.99 4

▶ Python

Just for some variety we use the between method of pandas series to select the March 2007 data. We pass pandas Timestamp objects to mark the first and last day of the month. The rest of the pipeline should be self-explanatory. The last line is added for convenience. We order the columns of the pandas dataframe to match the ordering of the columns in our SQL result.

df = (payment
              pd.Timestamp(year=2007, month=3, day=1), 
              pd.Timestamp(year=2007, month=3, day=31))
  .query('(hour in (4, 23)) & (rental_id > 15000) & (staff_id == 1)')
  .loc[:, df_sql.columns]

(36, 7)
date payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount hour
0 2007-03-22 23134 46 1 15438 2.99 23
1 2007-03-22 23958 136 1 15439 4.99 23
2 2007-03-22 23095 42 1 15442 2.99 23
3 2007-03-22 22615 598 1 15443 7.99 23
4 2007-03-22 22960 28 1 15445 4.99 23
5 2007-03-22 20574 379 1 15446 4.99 23
6 2007-03-22 21651 490 1 15448 2.99 23
7 2007-03-22 20027 322 1 15450 0.99 23
8 2007-03-22 21866 514 1 15451 2.99 23
9 2007-03-22 20370 359 1 15453 1.99 23
10 2007-03-22 24882 238 1 15455 0.99 23
11 2007-03-22 25113 262 1 15456 0.99 23
12 2007-03-22 19906 306 1 15457 2.99 23
13 2007-03-22 22876 20 1 15460 2.99 23
14 2007-03-22 23646 103 1 15461 5.99 23
15 2007-03-22 20675 389 1 15462 5.99 23
16 2007-03-22 23869 127 1 15463 5.99 23
17 2007-03-22 23283 62 1 15464 6.99 23
18 2007-03-22 21921 520 1 15465 0.99 23
19 2007-03-22 20970 418 1 15466 4.99 23
20 2007-03-22 23647 103 1 15467 3.99 23
21 2007-03-22 20768 399 1 15468 4.99 23
22 2007-03-22 22610 597 1 15469 4.99 23
23 2007-03-23 24692 215 1 15583 2.99 4
24 2007-03-23 21731 500 1 15584 2.99 4
25 2007-03-23 22149 545 1 15585 0.99 4
26 2007-03-23 21723 499 1 15587 7.99 4
27 2007-03-23 21764 503 1 15588 3.99 4
28 2007-03-23 22901 22 1 15589 6.99 4
29 2007-03-23 23284 62 1 15591 0.99 4
30 2007-03-23 24163 153 1 15593 1.99 4
31 2007-03-23 25135 264 1 15595 4.99 4
32 2007-03-23 24478 186 1 15596 0.99 4
33 2007-03-23 23323 66 1 15598 8.99 4
34 2007-03-23 23648 103 1 15599 5.99 4
35 2007-03-23 23729 113 1 15600 1.99 4

▶ R

Once again a similar pipeline can be build in R.

%%R -o df_r

df_r = payment %>% 
  mutate(date=lubridate::date(payment_date)) %>% 
  filter(date >= as.Date('2007-03-01') &  date <= as.Date('2007-03-31')) %>% 
  mutate(hour=lubridate::hour(payment_date)) %>% 
  filter(hour %in% c(4, 23) & rental_id > 15000 & staff_id == 1) %>% 
  arrange(payment_date) %>% 
  select(date, payment_id, customer_id, staff_id, rental_id, amount, hour) %>% 

[1] 36  7
         date payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount hour
1  2007-03-22      23134          46        1     15438   2.99   23
2  2007-03-22      23958         136        1     15439   4.99   23
3  2007-03-22      23095          42        1     15442   2.99   23
4  2007-03-22      22615         598        1     15443   7.99   23
5  2007-03-22      22960          28        1     15445   4.99   23
6  2007-03-22      20574         379        1     15446   4.99   23
7  2007-03-22      21651         490        1     15448   2.99   23
8  2007-03-22      20027         322        1     15450   0.99   23
9  2007-03-22      21866         514        1     15451   2.99   23
10 2007-03-22      20370         359        1     15453   1.99   23
11 2007-03-22      24882         238        1     15455   0.99   23
12 2007-03-22      25113         262        1     15456   0.99   23
13 2007-03-22      19906         306        1     15457   2.99   23
14 2007-03-22      22876          20        1     15460   2.99   23
15 2007-03-22      23646         103        1     15461   5.99   23
16 2007-03-22      20675         389        1     15462   5.99   23
17 2007-03-22      23869         127        1     15463   5.99   23
18 2007-03-22      23283          62        1     15464   6.99   23
19 2007-03-22      21921         520        1     15465   0.99   23
20 2007-03-22      20970         418        1     15466   4.99   23
21 2007-03-22      23647         103        1     15467   3.99   23
22 2007-03-22      20768         399        1     15468   4.99   23
23 2007-03-22      22610         597        1     15469   4.99   23
24 2007-03-23      24692         215        1     15583   2.99    4
25 2007-03-23      21731         500        1     15584   2.99    4
26 2007-03-23      22149         545        1     15585   0.99    4
27 2007-03-23      21723         499        1     15587   7.99    4
28 2007-03-23      21764         503        1     15588   3.99    4
29 2007-03-23      22901          22        1     15589   6.99    4
30 2007-03-23      23284          62        1     15591   0.99    4
31 2007-03-23      24163         153        1     15593   1.99    4
32 2007-03-23      25135         264        1     15595   4.99    4
33 2007-03-23      24478         186        1     15596   0.99    4
34 2007-03-23      23323          66        1     15598   8.99    4
35 2007-03-23      23648         103        1     15599   5.99    4
36 2007-03-23      23729         113        1     15600   1.99    4

Customer lifetime value

Which customers made their first order on a weekend, paid more than \$5, and have a customer lifetime value (total amount spent) which exceeds \$100?


For this query we need to extract the day of the week for each transaction. This can be done using dow.

Note that in PostgreSQL Sunday is coded as 0, and Saturday as 6.

q = '''
        EXTRACT(dow FROM p.payment_date)::int  dow,
            SELECT SUM(p3.amount) 
            FROM payment p3
            WHERE p3.customer_id = p.customer_id   
        ) as CLV
        payment p
        p.payment_id = (
            SELECT MIN(p2.payment_id)
            FROM payment p2
            WHERE p.customer_id = p2.customer_id
            EXTRACT(dow FROM p.payment_date) IN (0, 6)
            p.amount > 5     

    GROUP BY 1
)t WHERE t.CLV > 100
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(17, 8)
payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount payment_date dow clv
0 19029 137 1 2469 6.99 2007-02-18 18:52:49.996577 0 191.62
1 18572 21 2 2235 7.99 2007-02-18 02:37:16.996577 0 146.68
2 17526 346 1 1994 5.99 2007-02-17 09:35:32.996577 6 145.70
3 19502 265 2 2027 7.99 2007-02-17 11:35:22.996577 6 132.72
4 17509 342 2 2190 5.99 2007-02-17 23:58:17.996577 6 130.68
5 17866 436 1 2291 9.99 2007-02-18 06:05:12.996577 0 126.73
6 18099 497 2 2180 8.99 2007-02-17 23:16:09.996577 6 121.73
7 18995 128 2 2519 7.99 2007-02-18 22:47:47.996577 0 118.70
8 19496 263 2 2126 8.99 2007-02-17 19:23:02.996577 6 116.73
9 18636 32 2 1887 6.99 2007-02-17 02:21:44.996577 6 112.74
10 19345 225 2 2226 7.99 2007-02-18 02:08:22.996577 0 111.76
11 18395 579 2 2425 5.99 2007-02-18 16:06:11.996577 0 111.73
12 18554 16 2 1934 6.99 2007-02-17 05:33:23.996577 6 109.75
13 18666 40 2 2470 7.99 2007-02-18 18:56:57.996577 0 105.74
14 18446 593 2 2055 5.99 2007-02-17 13:55:29.996577 6 101.76
15 18367 572 2 1889 10.99 2007-02-17 02:33:38.996577 6 100.76
16 19441 251 1 2238 6.99 2007-02-18 02:50:32.996577 0 100.75

▶ Python

Let’s break the pipeline in two parts. First we compute the subset of customers who placed their first order on a week-end.

Note that unlike PostgreSQL, pandas codes Saturday as 5 and Sunday as 6.

subset_fo = (payment
               .assign(dow=lambda x: x.payment_date.dt.weekday) # extract the day of the week as an integer
               .groupby('customer_id')[['payment_date', 'payment_id', 'amount', 'rental_id', 'staff_id', 'dow']]
               .first()                                         # pick the first row for each group
               .query('(amount > 5) & (dow in [5, 6])')
payment_date payment_id amount rental_id staff_id dow
16 2007-02-17 05:33:23.996577 18554 6.99 1934 2 5
17 2007-02-17 22:46:24.996577 18558 5.99 2175 2 5
21 2007-02-18 02:37:16.996577 18572 7.99 2235 2 6
32 2007-02-17 02:21:44.996577 18636 6.99 1887 2 5
40 2007-02-18 18:56:57.996577 18666 7.99 2470 2 6

We then join the payment table on this subset to get the information we want.

df = (payment
       .query('clv >= 100')
       .join(subset_fo, how='left')
       .sort_values('clv', ascending=False)
       .loc[:, df_sql.columns]

(17, 8)
payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount payment_date dow clv
0 19029 137 1 2469 6.99 2007-02-18 18:52:49.996577 6 191.62
1 18572 21 2 2235 7.99 2007-02-18 02:37:16.996577 6 146.68
2 17526 346 1 1994 5.99 2007-02-17 09:35:32.996577 5 145.70
3 19502 265 2 2027 7.99 2007-02-17 11:35:22.996577 5 132.72
4 17509 342 2 2190 5.99 2007-02-17 23:58:17.996577 5 130.68
5 17866 436 1 2291 9.99 2007-02-18 06:05:12.996577 6 126.73
6 18099 497 2 2180 8.99 2007-02-17 23:16:09.996577 5 121.73
7 18995 128 2 2519 7.99 2007-02-18 22:47:47.996577 6 118.70
8 19496 263 2 2126 8.99 2007-02-17 19:23:02.996577 5 116.73
9 18636 32 2 1887 6.99 2007-02-17 02:21:44.996577 5 112.74
10 19345 225 2 2226 7.99 2007-02-18 02:08:22.996577 6 111.76
11 18395 579 2 2425 5.99 2007-02-18 16:06:11.996577 6 111.73
12 18554 16 2 1934 6.99 2007-02-17 05:33:23.996577 5 109.75
13 18666 40 2 2470 7.99 2007-02-18 18:56:57.996577 6 105.74
14 18446 593 2 2055 5.99 2007-02-17 13:55:29.996577 5 101.76
15 18367 572 2 1889 10.99 2007-02-17 02:33:38.996577 5 100.76
16 19441 251 1 2238 6.99 2007-02-18 02:50:32.996577 6 100.75

▶ R

Let’s do the same with R. We’ll drop the payment_date column at the end so that we can fit all the remaining columns horizontally.

Of course, R (lubridate) uses yet another encoding for the days of the week. Saturday is represented as 7 and Sunday as 1.


subset_fo = payment %>% 
              group_by(customer_id) %>% 
              mutate(dow=lubridate::wday(payment_date)) %>% 
              filter(row_number()==1 & dow%in% c(1, 7) & amount>5) 

df_r = payment %>% 
        right_join(subset_fo, by="customer_id") %>% 
        group_by(customer_id) %>% 
        summarise(clv=sum(amount.x)) %>% 
        filter(clv > 100) %>% 
        left_join(subset_fo, by='customer_id') %>% 
        select(payment_id, customer_id, staff_id, rental_id, amount, payment_date, dow, clv) %>% 
        arrange(desc(clv)) %>%

[1] 17  7
   payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount dow    clv
1       19029         137        1      2469   6.99   1 191.62
2       18572          21        2      2235   7.99   1 146.68
3       17526         346        1      1994   5.99   7 145.70
4       19502         265        2      2027   7.99   7 132.72
5       17509         342        2      2190   5.99   7 130.68
6       17866         436        1      2291   9.99   1 126.73
7       18099         497        2      2180   8.99   7 121.73
8       18995         128        2      2519   7.99   1 118.70
9       19496         263        2      2126   8.99   7 116.73
10      18636          32        2      1887   6.99   7 112.74
11      19345         225        2      2226   7.99   1 111.76
12      18395         579        2      2425   5.99   1 111.73
13      18554          16        2      1934   6.99   7 109.75
14      18666          40        2      2470   7.99   1 105.74
15      18446         593        2      2055   5.99   7 101.76
16      18367         572        2      1889  10.99   7 100.76
17      19441         251        1      2238   6.99   1 100.75

How many movies have a replacement cost above or below the average replacement cost?

Once way to answer this is to compute how many movies have a replacement cost higher than the average, how many have a replacement cost lower or equal to the average, and take the union of the two.


q = '''
SELECT t.grouping, COUNT(*) FROM (
    SELECT f.*, 'above' as grouping
    FROM film f
    WHERE f.replacement_cost > (SELECT AVG(f2.replacement_cost) FROM film f2) 


    SELECT f.*, 'below_eq' as grouping
    FROM film f
    WHERE f.replacement_cost <= (SELECT AVG(f2.replacement_cost) FROM film f2) 
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
(2, 2)
grouping count
0 below_eq 464
1 above 536

▶ Python

The Python syntax is definitely simpler here because we can create a Boolean mask telling us whether the replacement cost is above average, and then use value_counts to tally up the True and False counts.

  .assign(above=film.replacement_cost > film.replacement_cost.mean())
  .loc[:, 'above']
  .rename(index={True: 'above', False: 'below_eq'})
above       536
below_eq    464
Name: above, dtype: int64

▶ R

The R code is similar to the Python one.

film %>% 
  mutate(above=replacement_cost>mean(film$replacement_cost)) %>% 
  count(above) %>% 
  mutate(above=if_else(above, 'above', 'below_eq'))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
  above        n
  <chr>    <int>
1 below_eq   464
2 above      536

Which movie generated the more revenue, for each viewer rating category?


The grouping by rating part is straightforward, however, we want the top performing movie within each group. We can use a window function (the OVER part) to do this.

q = '''
WITH some_table AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY f.rating ORDER BY SUM(p.amount) DESC)

    FROM film f
    JOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
    JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
    JOIN payment p ON p.rental_id = r.rental_id
    GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
    ORDER BY 3) 
SELECT st.* FROM some_table st 
WHERE st.row_number = 1
df_sql = pd.read_sql_query(q, con)
film_id title rating sum row_number
0 879 Telegraph Voyage PG 215.75 1
1 1000 Zorro Ark NC-17 199.72 1
2 460 Innocent Usual PG-13 191.74 1
3 764 Saturday Lambs G 190.74 1
4 938 Velvet Terminator R 152.77 1

▶ Python

The pattern below is a common one. We group by some features to compute an aggregate measure, and then ungroup (reset_index) to group the data again at a different level of granularity.

df = (film
       .merge(inventory, on='film_id', how='left')    
       .merge(rental, on='inventory_id', how='left')
       .merge(payment, on='rental_id', how='left')
       .sort_values('amount', ascending=False)
       .rename(columns={'amount': 'sum'})
       .merge(film, on='film_id', how='left')
       .sort_values('sum', ascending=False)
       .loc[:, ['film_id','title','rating','sum']]

film_id title rating sum
0 879 Telegraph Voyage PG 215.75
1 1000 Zorro Ark NC-17 199.72
2 460 Innocent Usual PG-13 191.74
3 764 Saturday Lambs G 190.74
4 938 Velvet Terminator R 152.77

▶ R

This is essentially the same approach as in Python.

df_r = film %>% 
  left_join(inventory, by='film_id') %>% 
  left_join(rental, by='inventory_id') %>% 
  left_join(payment, by='rental_id') %>% 
  group_by(rating, film_id) %>% 
  summarise(sum=sum(amount, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  arrange(desc(sum)) %>% 
  group_by(rating) %>% 
  filter(row_number()==1) %>% 
  left_join(film, by='film_id') %>% 
  select(film_id, title, rating.x, sum) 

  film_id             title rating.x    sum
1     879  Telegraph Voyage       PG 215.75
2    1000         Zorro Ark    NC-17 199.72
3     460    Innocent Usual    PG-13 191.74
4     764    Saturday Lambs        G 190.74
5     938 Velvet Terminator        R 152.77

Hopefully, the examples above show that a significant part of the syntax used to wrangle structured data (data arranged in tables), in both Python (pandas) and R (tidyverse), has been influenced by SQL.

Many of the pipelines we built are comprised of the same steps as the corresponding SQL query. This is especially true for basic queries where we do simple things like group by columns or build a simple aggregate measure. Similarly, syntactic differences aside, joining operations work in a comparable way across the three languages.

As we consider more complex operations, however, a direct port of the SQL querie to the other languages may not be the most optimal way. We saw a small example of this when we computed which days in March had no rentals. The good news, however, is that these languages aren’t mutually exclusive. After all, we did run all our SQL via Python (pandas). Rather these languages complement each other and can be used in conjunction to build pipelines that can perform complex manipulation of the data in an efficient way. Very often, SQL is used to first extract a subset of the data from a large database, which can then be manipulated and transformed further in Python or R.

To steal a line from Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, this is truly a case of All for one and one for all!

Introduction to regular expressions

Jamie Zawinski:

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions".
Now they have two problems.

1. Prelude:

Regular expressions are powerful...


...but at first, they can be puzzling.

from math import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))

2. Introduction

A regular expression (regex) is a sequence of literal characters, and metacharacters, which defines search patterns.

Most programming languages have some implementation of regular expressions, however, their syntax may vary.

One basic example is the asterisk used as a wildcard by most file systems to denote any number of characters.

For instance, *.txt denotes all files with a .txt extension.

The most elementary search pattern is the one that consists of the very characters you're looking for.

The find method of strings does just that.

s = "To be or not to be"
print(s.find('not'), s.find('question'))
9 -1

For a more general, and powerful approach to pattern searching, Python has the re module

import re

We’ll use the opening paragraphs from A Tale of Two Cities as an example.

dickens = '''
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, 
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had
nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way -
in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities
insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

There were a king with a large jaw and a queen with a plain face, on the
throne of England; there were a king with a large jaw and a queen with
a fair face, on the throne of France. In both countries it was clearer
than crystal to the lords of the State preserves of loaves and fishes,
that things in general were settled for ever.

It was the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five.
Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period,
as at this. Mrs. Southcott had recently attained her five-and-twentieth
blessed birthday, of whom a prophetic private in the Life Guards had
heralded the sublime appearance by announcing that arrangements were
made for the swallowing up of London and Westminster. Even the Cock-lane
ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its
messages, as the spirits of this very year last past (supernaturally
deficient in originality) rapped out theirs. Mere messages in the
earthly order of events had lately come to the English Crown and People,
from a congress of British subjects in America: which, strange
to relate, have proved more important to the human race than any
communications yet received through any of the chickens of the Cock-lane

A. Literals

The search method of the re module returns a _sre.SRE_Match object which has some useful properties.

result = re.search('times', dickens)

print(*[item for item in dir(result) if not item.startswith('_')], sep='\n')
<class '_sre.SRE_Match'>

The result of the search will tell us if, and where the pattern is found in the string.

print("result.span(): ", result.span())

print("result.group():", result.group())

s = result.span()

result.span():  (20, 25)
result.group(): times

There are other useful functions for finding a pattern beside the search function.


If a search pattern is to be reused, it is faster to compile it first. We'll do that henceforth.
pattern = re.compile(r'times')

# only matches the beginning of the string.
result = pattern.match(dickens)
print('match:  ', result)

# search for first match
result = pattern.search(dickens)
print('search: ', result.group())

# returns a list of all matches.
result = pattern.findall(dickens)
print('findall:', result)
match:   None
search:  times
findall: ['times', 'times']


What we've used above is an example of search pattern involving literals. The pattern was the very string we were looking for.

Notice that we didn't have to worry about punctuation. The pattern is the only sub-string returned by the search or findall function, if it is found.

B. Character classes

Sometimes we’d like to consider variants of a string. For, instance, "It" and "it".

This means that we need to look for either an uppercase “i” or a lowercase one, followed by the letter “t”.

Character classes are specified using square brackets.

pattern = re.compile(r'[Ii]t')

result = pattern.findall(dickens)

['It', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'It', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'it']

This is a simple example of character set.

[Ii] means match any one of the characters between the square brackets.

Using character sets allows us to greatly simplify our syntax.

Python has some predefined character sets which help us write compact code.

Character Class Matches
[A-Z] any single letter of the Latin alphabet in uppercase
[a-z] any single letter of the Latin alphabet in uppercase
[A-z] any single letter of the Latin alphabet in either lowercase or uppercase
[0-9] any single digit between 0 and 9
[^0-9] any character except for single digit between 0 and 9

Here's an example:

re.findall(r'[0-9]', "Today is the 23rd of May")
['2', '3']
re.findall(r'[A-z]', "Today is the 23rd of May")
re.findall(r'[^A-z ]', "Today is the 23rd of May")
['2', '3']
re.findall(r'[^0-9]', "Today is the 23rd of May")
 ' ',
 ' ',
 ' ',
 ' ',
 ' ',

Back to our long string.

If we were searching for a substring made of any single uppercase letter followed by any single lower case letter we could write:

pattern = re.compile(r'[A-Z][a-z]')
result = pattern.findall(dickens)
['It', 'Li', 'Da', 'He', 'Th', 'En', 'Fr', 'In', 'St', 'It', 'Ou', 'Lo', 'Sp', 'En', 'Mr', 'So', 'Li', 'Gu', 'Lo', 'We', 'Ev', 'Co', 'Me', 'En', 'Cr', 'Pe', 'Br', 'Am', 'Co']


  • Notice that except for a couple of elements in the list, we didn't get entire words.

  • The regular expression only specifies a pattern with one uppercase letter, followed by one lower case letter.

  • That's usually not what you're after. You'd probably want to extract whole words which start with an uppercase letter, followed by any number of lowercase letters (capitalised words).

Maybe all we need is to add more [a-z] sets to our patterns? Let’s try that…

pattern = re.compile(r'[A-Z][a-z][a-z]')
result = pattern.findall(dickens)
['Lig', 'Dar', 'Hea', 'The', 'Eng', 'Fra', 'Sta', 'Our', 'Lor', 'Spi', 'Eng', 'Mrs', 'Sou', 'Lif', 'Gua', 'Lon', 'Wes', 'Eve', 'Coc', 'Mer', 'Eng', 'Cro', 'Peo', 'Bri', 'Ame', 'Coc']

That’s not really what we want.

Sure we’ve now got one more lowercase letter after the first, uppercase one, but we still don’t have whole words, unless our string contains capitalised, three-letter words. To top it off, we’ve now lost "It"!

In other words, unless you want to only extract capitalised words, with a specific number of letter, this is not the way to go.

Actually, even in that case, this is not a smart way to do it.

If we wanted to find all the capitalised words that are, say, 10 letters long, we don’t really want to have to type a pattern such as:


We need a way to specify that we want one or more lowercase letters.

For this we need more than literals or character sets, we need metacharacters.

C. Metacharacters

Literals are characters which are simply part of the pattern we are looking for.

Metacharacters, on the other hand, act like modifiers. They change how the literals, or character classes are handled.

By default each literal is matched only once. By using the + symbol, any character or character class appearing just before the metacharacter will be matched one or more times.

There are several modifiers that we can use.

Modifier Number of occurences
+ one or more
* zero or more
? zero or one
{m} m times
{m, n} between m and n times

For instance, if we wanted to extract a list of the words that are capitalised in a string, in the past we may have written something like this:

print([word for word in dickens.strip().split() if word[0].isupper() and word[1].islower()])
['It', 'Light,', 'Darkness,', 'Heaven,', 'There', 'England;', 'France.', 'In', 'State', 'It', 'Our', 'Lord', 'Spiritual', 'England', 'Mrs.', 'Southcott', 'Life', 'Guards', 'London', 'Westminster.', 'Even', 'Cock-lane', 'Mere', 'English', 'Crown', 'People,', 'British', 'America:', 'Cock-lane']

Notice, however, that some of the words have punctuation symbols attached to them.

No big deal, we know how to deal with this.

import string 
print([word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in dickens.split() if word[0].isupper() and word[1].islower()])
['It', 'Light', 'Darkness', 'Heaven', 'There', 'England', 'France', 'In', 'State', 'It', 'Our', 'Lord', 'Spiritual', 'England', 'Mrs', 'Southcott', 'Life', 'Guards', 'London', 'Westminster', 'Even', 'Cock-lane', 'Mere', 'English', 'Crown', 'People', 'British', 'America', 'Cock-lane']

That worked fine, however the syntax is a bit unwieldy.

Another version could be.

import string 
print([word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in dickens.strip().split() 
 if word.istitle()])
['It', 'Light', 'Darkness', 'Heaven', 'There', 'England', 'France', 'In', 'State', 'It', 'Our', 'Lord', 'Spiritual', 'England', 'Mrs', 'Southcott', 'Life', 'Guards', 'London', 'Westminster', 'Even', 'Mere', 'English', 'Crown', 'People', 'British', 'America']

Notice, however, that we lost a word…

Using a regular expression, we can specify character sets which match our pattern.

pattern = re.compile(r'[A-Z][a-z]+')
result = pattern.findall(dickens)
['It', 'Light', 'Darkness', 'Heaven', 'There', 'England', 'France', 'In', 'State', 'It', 'Our', 'Lord', 'Spiritual', 'England', 'Mrs', 'Southcott', 'Life', 'Guards', 'London', 'Westminster', 'Even', 'Cock', 'Mere', 'English', 'Crown', 'People', 'British', 'America', 'Cock']

Notice that with this pattern, hyphenated words are split and only the first part is returned. Let’s handle this case.

pattern = re.compile(r'[A-Z][a-z]+-?[a-z]*')
result = pattern.findall(dickens)
['It', 'Light', 'Darkness', 'Heaven', 'There', 'England', 'France', 'In', 'State', 'It', 'Our', 'Lord', 'Spiritual', 'England', 'Mrs', 'Southcott', 'Life', 'Guards', 'London', 'Westminster', 'Even', 'Cock-lane', 'Mere', 'English', 'Crown', 'People', 'British', 'America', 'Cock-lane']

D. Other built-in character classes and metacharacters

Class Matches
. any character except \n
\d Any numeric character
\D Non-numeric character
\w alphanumeric characters (same as [0-9a-zA-Z_])
\W Non-alphanumeric characters
\b word boundary
\s whitespace character (including \n, \t)
\S Non-whitespace character
^ Start of line
$ End of line

First word of each sentence.

We use re.MULTILINE to have the patterned searched across more than one line.

result = re.findall(r'^\w+', dickens, re.MULTILINE)
['It', 'it', 'it', 'it', 'nothing', 'in', 'insisted', 'There', 'throne', 'a', 'than', 'that', 'It', 'Spiritual', 'as', 'blessed', 'heralded', 'made', 'ghost', 'messages', 'deficient', 'earthly', 'from', 'to', 'communications', 'brood']

Last word of each sentence.

This is a bit more tricky. First note the following:

result = re.findall(r'\w+$', dickens, re.MULTILINE)
['had', 'authorities', 'the', 'with', 'clearer', 'twentieth', 'had', 'were', 'lane', 'its', 'supernaturally', 'the', 'strange', 'any', 'lane']

The problem here is that our pattern will only consider a word as being a match if it is at the end of a line if there is no other character after it.

Let’s try to include the possibility of a punctuation symbol.

result = re.findall(r'\w+.?$', dickens, re.MULTILINE)
['belief,', 'Darkness,', 'had', 'authorities', 'only.', 'the', 'with', 'clearer', 'fishes,', 'ever.', 'five.', 'period,', 'twentieth', 'had', 'were', 'lane', 'its', 'supernaturally', 'the', 'People,', 'strange', 'any', 'lane', 'brood.']

That’s better but we don’t actually want the punctuation symbols to appear in the result.

E. Capture Groups

We can use a capture group to specify which part of the pattern should be returned as a group, using parentheses.

Let’s first see how this works on a simple example.

No groups

We get a list back.

re.findall(r'\w+\s\d+\w{0,2}', "Let's meet on November 9 at 5pm, or November 12 at 11am or 4pm.")
['November 9', 'at 5pm', 'November 12', 'at 11am', 'or 4pm']

2 capture groups

We get a list of tuples with 2 elements.

re.findall(r'(\w+)\s(\d+)\w{0,2}', "Let's meet on November 9 at 5pm, or November 12 at 11am or 4pm.")
[('November', '9'), ('at', '5'), ('November', '12'), ('at', '11'), ('or', '4')]

1 non-capture group, starting with (?: and 1 capture group.

re.findall(r'(?:\w+)\s(\d+)\w{0,2}', "Let's meet on November 9 at 5pm, or November 12 at 11am or 4pm.")
['9', '5', '12', '11', '4']


This example is a bit lame. The same result could be achieved more simply, but it illustrates how non-capture groups work.

re.findall(r'\d+', "Let's meet on November 9 at 5pm, or November 12 at 11am or 4pm.")
['9', '5', '12', '11', '4']

Back to our problem of finding the last words of each line.

result = re.findall(r'(\w+).?$', dickens, re.MULTILINE)
['belief', 'Darkness', 'had', 'authorities', 'only', 'the', 'with', 'clearer', 'fishes', 'ever', 'five', 'period', 'twentieth', 'had', 'were', 'lane', 'its', 'supernaturally', 'the', 'People', 'strange', 'any', 'lane', 'brood']

Almost there. We just need to take care of hyphenated words and whitespaces.

# You can usually write multiple regular expressions to perform a task,
# however, it's best to try and make the regular expression as discriminating as possible.

# Method 1
result = re.findall('([\w+-?]+\w+).?[\s-]*$', dickens, re.MULTILINE)

# Method 2
result = re.findall('([\w+-?]+\w+).?\W*$', dickens, re.MULTILINE)

# Method 3
result = re.findall('([\w-]+)\W*$', dickens, re.MULTILINE)
['times', 'belief', 'Darkness', 'had', 'way', 'authorities', 'only', 'the', 'with', 'clearer', 'fishes', 'ever', 'seventy-five', 'period', 'five-and-twentieth', 'had', 'were', 'Cock-lane', 'its', 'supernaturally', 'the', 'People', 'strange', 'any', 'Cock-lane', 'brood']
['times', 'belief', 'Darkness', 'had', 'way', 'authorities', 'only', 'the', 'with', 'clearer', 'fishes', 'ever', 'seventy-five', 'period', 'five-and-twentieth', 'had', 'were', 'Cock-lane', 'its', 'supernaturally', 'the', 'People', 'strange', 'any', 'Cock-lane', 'brood']
['times', 'belief', 'Darkness', 'had', 'way', 'authorities', 'only', 'the', 'with', 'clearer', 'fishes', 'ever', 'seventy-five', 'period', 'five-and-twentieth', 'had', 'were', 'Cock-lane', 'its', 'supernaturally', 'the', 'People', 'strange', 'any', 'Cock-lane', 'brood']

3. Data Extraction

When we're working with data you haven't generated, we usually have little control over the formatting of the data.

What's worse, the formatting can be inconsistent. This is where regular expression can be extremely useful.

Consider the data below. We'd like to extract the credit card information for each entry.

Notice that the credit card numbers are not formatted in a consistent way.

messy_data = '''
Ms. Dixie T Patenaude 18 rue Descartes STRASBOURG Alsace 67100 FR France Dixie.Patenaude@teleworm.us Shound Cheecaey3s Grondin 4/15/1958 MasterCard 5379 7969 2881 8421 958 12/2017 nan 1Z 114 58A 80 2148 893 8 Blue Safety specialist Atlas Realty 2000 Subaru Outback AnalystWatch.fr O- 191.0 86.8 5' 11" 156 dd0548bb-a8b5-438d-b181-c76ad282a9a1 48.577584 7.842637
Mr. Silvano G Romani 34 Faunce Crescent WHITE TOP NSW 2675 AU Australia Silvano-Romani@einrot.com Pock1993 AeV7ziek (02) 6166 5988 Sagese 2/25/1993 MasterCard 5253-7637-4959-3303 404 06-2018 nan 1Z 814 E43 42 9322 015 2 Green Coin vending and amusement machine servicer repairer Miller & Rhoads 1998 Honda S-MX StarJock.com.au B+ 128.3 58.3 6' 2" 189 7e310daa-46f5-407e-8dda-d975715ac4d5 -33.429793 145.234214
Mr. Felix C Fried 37 Jubilee Drive CAXTON nan CB3 5WG GB United Kingdom FelixFried@rhyta.com Derser Aisequ0haz 078 1470 0903 Eisenhauer 1/19/1933 Visa 4716046346218902 738 02 2018 SP 39 75 51 D 1Z V88 635 94 7608 112 4 Blue School psychologist Wetson's 2001 Audi Allroad MoverRelocation.co.uk O+ 188.5 85.7 5' 7" 169 95515377-74a9-4c1e-9117-44b9753dad8c 51.922175 -0.353221
credit_card_number = re.compile(r'(\d{4}[-\s]?\d{4}[-\s]?\d{4}[-\s]?\d{4})')
['5379 7969 2881 8421', '5253-7637-4959-3303', '4716046346218902']

Let’s write a regular expression called height to extract the height of each person in the data.

height = re.compile(r'(\d)\'\s+(\d{,2})"')

[('5', '11'), ('6', '2'), ('5', '7')]

For more complex patterns we can use named capture groups.

A. Named Capture Groups

Let's write a regular expression that will extract not just the credit card number, but also the card type, CCV number, and expiry date.


When you are extracting several groups that correspond to a particular type of information, it's often useful to associate a name with each group. That's what named groups allow you to do.

A named group has the form (?P<name>regex).

credit_card_details = re.compile('(?P<CardType>Visa|MasterCard).*'
                                 '(?P<Expiry>\d{2}[- /]{1}\d{4})')
for line in messy_data.strip().splitlines():
{'CardType': 'MasterCard', 'CardNumber': '5379 7969 2881 8421', 'CCV': '958', 'Expiry': '12/2017'}
{'CardType': 'MasterCard', 'CardNumber': '5253-7637-4959-3303', 'CCV': '404', 'Expiry': '06-2018'}
{'CardType': 'Visa', 'CardNumber': '4716046346218902', 'CCV': '738', 'Expiry': '02 2018'}

We can get a nicer output by transforming the dictionary into a dataframe.

pd.DataFrame([credit_card_details.search(line).groupdict() for line in  messy_data.strip().splitlines()])
CCV CardNumber CardType Expiry
0 958 5379 7969 2881 8421 MasterCard 12/2017
1 404 5253-7637-4959-3303 MasterCard 06-2018
2 738 4716046346218902 Visa 02 2018

Let’s now write a regular expression email that will extract the email address from our data, and return the login and internet service provider for each entry, as two named capture groups.

email = re.compile(r'(?P<Login>\S+)@(?P<ISP>\S+)')

pd.DataFrame([email.search(line).groupdict() for line in  messy_data.strip().splitlines()])
ISP Login
0 teleworm.us Dixie.Patenaude
1 einrot.com Silvano-Romani
2 rhyta.com FelixFried

B. Pandas & Regular expressions

For more complex data sets we can of course combine the strengths of regular expressions and Pandas.

As an example, let’s revisit the birthday formatting problem of a previous post.

path = Path("data/people.csv")
data = pd.read_csv(path, encoding='utf-8')
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 8/25/1968 A+
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1/31/1962 A+
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1/10/1964 B+
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 4/12/1933 O-
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 11/20/1946 A+

We'd like the dates to be formatted as year-month-day.

In a previous notebook we worked out a solution using the datetime module.

Let's do this using regular expressions.


In a previous post we did more than simply change the format of the dates. We created a special datetime objects which can be used to perform computations on dates. Here we're merely focussing on the formatting aspect to illustrate how regular expressions can be combined with our usual Pandas workflow.

# Compile the regex first for increased speed.
birthday = re.compile(r'(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<year>\d{2,4})')

def transform_birthday(row):
    date = birthday.search(row['Birthday']).groupdict()
    return "-".join([date['year'], date['month'], date['day']])
data['Birthday'] = data.apply(transform_birthday, axis=1)
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 1968-8-25 A+
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1962-1-31 A+
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1964-1-10 B+
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 1933-4-12 O-
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 1946-11-20 A+

By using Pandas’ advanced regex syntax we can achieve the same thing in one line of code.

Let’s reload the original data.

data = pd.read_csv(path, encoding='utf-8')
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 8/25/1968 A+
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1/31/1962 A+
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1/10/1964 B+
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 4/12/1933 O-
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 11/20/1946 A+

We can extract the day, month and year of birth for each person in one line of code by passing the compiled regex to the str.extract method of our Pandas Series corresponding to the Birthday column.

data.Birthday.str.extract(birthday, expand=True).head()
month day year
0 8 25 1968
1 1 31 1962
2 1 10 1964
3 4 12 1933
4 11 20 1946

Note that the names of the columns have been automatically extracted from the named groups of the regex birthday.

Using this, we can use the apply method to process the date in the format that we want.

For more clarity, we wrap our method chaining expression in parentheses, which allows us to write each method call on a new line.

data.Birthday = (data
                     .extract(birthday, expand=True)
                     .apply(lambda date:"-".join([date['year'], 
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 1968-8-25 A+
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1962-1-31 A+
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1964-1-10 B+
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 1933-4-12 O-
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 1946-11-20 A+

That being said, the best way to achieve our goal in pandas is to let it parse the dates automatically!

data = pd.read_csv(path, encoding='utf-8', parse_dates=['Birthday'])
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 1968-08-25 A+
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1962-01-31 A+
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1964-01-10 B+
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 1933-04-12 O-
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 1946-11-20 A+
GivenName                object
Surname                  object
Gender                   object
StreetAddress            object
City                     object
Country                  object
Birthday         datetime64[ns]
BloodType                object
dtype: object

The End…

Pandas (Blood)groupby

from math import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

1. Pandas GroupBy

To illustrate how the pandas groupby operation works let’s use some fake data. With numpy it’s trivial to generate random numerical data, however, it’s usually a lot more tedious to generate random people data that looks realistic.

A very useful tool for this is the Fake Name Generator. That’s what I used to generate this dataset.

Let’s load the dataset into a dataframe.

input_path = Path('data/people.csv')

data = pd.read_csv(input_path, encoding='utf-8')
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 8/25/1968 A+
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1/31/1962 A+
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1/10/1964 B+
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 4/12/1933 O-
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 11/20/1946 A+

The data contains information about fictitious people.

GivenName        5000
Surname          5000
Gender           5000
StreetAddress    5000
City             5000
Country          5000
Birthday         5000
BloodType        5000
dtype: int64


We've got different types of variables here. For instance, Gender is a categorical variable, so are BloodType and Country.

Birthday can be thought of as an interval variable, although we'll convert it to an Age variable, which is more convenient for our purpose, and will be treated as a continuous numeric variable.

Notice, however, that by default pandas will identify non-numeric data as a generic object, which is not the most efficient way of handling categorical data. Let's fix that.

GivenName        object
Surname          object
Gender           object
StreetAddress    object
City             object
Country          object
Birthday         object
BloodType        object
dtype: object
data['Gender']  = data['Gender'].astype('category')
data['Country'] = data['Country'].astype('category')
data['BloodType']  = data['BloodType'].astype('category')
GivenName          object
Surname            object
Gender           category
StreetAddress      object
City               object
Country          category
Birthday           object
BloodType        category
dtype: object

A. Dealing with dates.

Method 1 - datetime module.

One of the features (columns) in our dataset is Birthday. While this information may be useful if you wanted to find out, for instance, how many people share a birthday, most of the time we mainly care about their age.

One way to convert the Birthday into an Age feature would be to extract the year and compute the current year minus the birthday year. The split method of string objects could be used for that, however, there’s a more elegant, and general way of handling dates in Python using the datetime.strptime function.


This isn't necessarily the fastest, or best way to handle date and time objects in pandas.

from datetime import datetime

t1 = datetime.strptime("21/01/2019", "%d/%m/%Y")
62 days, 20:14:58.495945

The datetime module allows you to manipulate date objects and perform basic operations on dates. It also allows you to format dates in a consistent way.

We can apply this to our Birthday feature.

data.Birthday[0], data.Birthday[1]
('8/25/1968', '1/31/1962')
datetime.datetime(1968, 8, 25, 0, 0)
datetime.datetime(1962, 1, 31, 0, 0)

Let’s use the Pandas apply method to format the dates in a consistent way

data.Birthday = data.apply(lambda row: datetime.strptime(row['Birthday'], "%m/%d/%Y"), axis='columns')
0   1968-08-25
1   1962-01-31
2   1964-01-10
3   1933-04-12
4   1946-11-20
Name: Birthday, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Method 2 - using the to_datetime method of pandas.

original_data = pd.read_csv(input_path, encoding='utf-8')
original_data.Birthday = pd.to_datetime(original_data.Birthday)
0   1968-08-25
1   1962-01-31
2   1964-01-10
3   1933-04-12
4   1946-11-20
Name: Birthday, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Method 3 - convert at reading time.

original_data = pd.read_csv(input_path, encoding='utf-8', parse_dates=['Birthday'])
0   1968-08-25
1   1962-01-31
2   1964-01-10
3   1933-04-12
4   1946-11-20
Name: Birthday, dtype: datetime64[ns]

We can now define an Age feature by subtracting the year of birth from the current year.


Because we are not hard-coding (typing by hand) the current date, if we come back to this code in a year's time and run it again, the Age will be updated automatically.

We could compute the age using apply to iterate through the rows of the dataframe…

data.apply(lambda row: datetime.now().year - row['Birthday'].year, axis='columns').head()
0    51
1    57
2    55
3    86
4    73
dtype: int64

However, it is usually faster to operate on the whole dataframe at one.

Datetime methods on a pandas series (such as a column of a dataframe), can be accessed via the dt method.

(datetime.now().year - data.Birthday.dt.year).head()
0    51
1    57
2    55
3    86
4    73
Name: Birthday, dtype: int64
data['Age'] = datetime.now().year - data.Birthday.dt.year
GivenName Surname Gender StreetAddress City Country Birthday BloodType Age
0 Stepanida Sukhorukova female 62 Ockham Road EASTER WHYNTIE United Kingdom 1968-08-25 A+ 51
1 Hiệu Lương male 4 Iolaire Road NEW CROSS United Kingdom 1962-01-31 A+ 57
2 Petra Neudorf female 56 Victoria Road LISTON United Kingdom 1964-01-10 B+ 55
3 Eho Amano female 83 Stroud Rd OGMORE United Kingdom 1933-04-12 O- 86
4 Noah Niland male 61 Wrexham Rd FACEBY United Kingdom 1946-11-20 A+ 73

B. GroupBy feature.

Given the data, common questions to answer would be how certain features are distributed in each country, or for each gender.

These could be as simple as What is the average age in each country? to much more complex questions such as How many people of each blood type are there in each country, for each gender, for a given age group?

Fortunately, Pandas’ GroupBy method allows us to organise the data in ways only limited by our sagacity.

Let's look at the country distribution first.

Australia         1800
Italy              800
United States      700
United Kingdom     500
New Zealand        500
France             500
Iceland            200
Name: Country, dtype: int64
data.Country.value_counts(ascending=True).plot(kind='barh', color='g', alpha=0.5);


The groupby method creates a GroupBy object.

The groupby object is a recipe for how to perform operation on the data.

To use a groupby object, we need to perform some operation on it.

grouped_by_country = data.groupby('Country')
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x106ca5710>
Australia         1800
France             500
Iceland            200
Italy              800
New Zealand        500
United Kingdom     500
United States      700
dtype: int64
for group in grouped_by_country.groups:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Australia         57.817778
France            57.944000
Iceland           57.660000
Italy             56.607500
New Zealand       56.630000
United Kingdom    57.740000
United States     57.415714
Name: Age, dtype: float64


Recall that the apply method allows you to apply an arbitrary function to all the rows in your dataframe. Therefore, as long as you can express your operations as a function (lambda or otherwise), you can include it in the apply, even if your function returns multiple values, provided you wrap them in a tuple.

grouped_by_country['Age'].apply(lambda x: (np.min(x), 
Australia         (24, 57.82, 91, 19.49)
France            (24, 57.94, 91, 19.54)
Iceland           (24, 57.66, 91, 19.46)
Italy             (24, 56.61, 91, 18.98)
New Zealand       (24, 56.63, 91, 19.05)
United Kingdom    (24, 57.74, 91, 19.53)
United States     (24, 57.42, 91, 19.29)
Name: Age, dtype: object

A different and nicer output can be obtained using the agg method on a groupby object.

min mean max std
Australia 24 57.817778 91 19.488031
France 24 57.944000 91 19.541869
Iceland 24 57.660000 91 19.461194
Italy 24 56.607500 91 18.981275
New Zealand 24 56.630000 91 19.049905
United Kingdom 24 57.740000 91 19.527905
United States 24 57.415714 91 19.285003

For categorical variables, such as BloodType, basic information can be extracted using the describe method.

count unique top freq
Australia 1800 8 O+ 648
France 500 8 O+ 184
Iceland 200 7 O+ 86
Italy 800 8 O+ 299
New Zealand 500 8 O+ 185
United Kingdom 500 8 O+ 188
United States 700 8 O+ 273
count unique top freq
Australia 1800 1368 Michael 9
France 500 444 Anna 4
Iceland 200 193 Dieter 2
Italy 800 677 Jennifer 6
New Zealand 500 447 James 4
United Kingdom 500 450 Ellis 3
United States 700 620 Lily 5

describe only tells us about the most frequent blood type. To get a count of the boodtypes let us use a Counter object.

Which item appears most frequently?

Counting the number of objects of a given type is such a common operation that Python has a very useful Counter object from the collections module. What a Counter object does to a sequence of items is group the elements of the sequence into bins according to their value, and count how many element each bin has. A Counter object also had several useful properties, for instance, to determine the most common object in the sequence.
from collections import Counter

L = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']
c = Counter(L)
Counter({'a': 3, 'b': 5, 'c': 2})
[('b', 5), ('a', 3), ('c', 2)]
[('b', 5), ('a', 3)]
[('b', 5)]
Australia       A+     468.0
                A-      59.0
                AB+    100.0
                AB-      8.0
                B+     419.0
                B-      24.0
                O+     648.0
                O-      74.0
France          A+     145.0
                A-      17.0
                AB+     19.0
                AB-      1.0
                B+     106.0
                B-       4.0
                O+     184.0
                O-      24.0
Iceland         A+      45.0
                A-       6.0
                AB+      5.0
                B+      44.0
                B-       5.0
                O+      86.0
                O-       9.0
Italy           A+     207.0
                A-      31.0
                AB+     37.0
                AB-      5.0
                B+     185.0
                B-       4.0
                O+     299.0
                O-      32.0
New Zealand     A+     154.0
                A-       9.0
                AB+     21.0
                AB-      5.0
                B+     100.0
                B-       5.0
                O+     185.0
                O-      21.0
United Kingdom  A+     132.0
                A-      23.0
                AB+     25.0
                AB-      4.0
                B+     102.0
                B-       7.0
                O+     188.0
                O-      19.0
United States   A+     157.0
                A-      25.0
                AB+     35.0
                AB-      4.0
                B+     157.0
                B-      15.0
                O+     273.0
                O-      34.0
Name: BloodType, dtype: float64


Note how the result is one long column of information. This result is actually a Pandas Series object (recall that a Series object is essentially an array with an index).

It may look a bit like a dataframe, but remember that in a dataframe each column corresponds to a unique feature. Here, what looks like the second column is actually a second level for the index. We'll talk about multi-index shortly.

The result as it stands may not be the easiest to read. It would be better if we could transform it back into a dataframe so that we could compare the results for two countries more easily. In Pandas, you can do that with one command: unstack.

A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Australia 468.0 59.0 100.0 8.0 419.0 24.0 648.0 74.0
France 145.0 17.0 19.0 1.0 106.0 4.0 184.0 24.0
Iceland 45.0 6.0 5.0 NaN 44.0 5.0 86.0 9.0
Italy 207.0 31.0 37.0 5.0 185.0 4.0 299.0 32.0
New Zealand 154.0 9.0 21.0 5.0 100.0 5.0 185.0 21.0
United Kingdom 132.0 23.0 25.0 4.0 102.0 7.0 188.0 19.0
United States 157.0 25.0 35.0 4.0 157.0 15.0 273.0 34.0

If we want to switch the index and the columns around, we need to specify the level parameter in unstack() which, by default, is -1, that is the last (innermost) level of the index.

Country Australia France Iceland Italy New Zealand United Kingdom United States
A+ 468.0 145.0 45.0 207.0 154.0 132.0 157.0
A- 59.0 17.0 6.0 31.0 9.0 23.0 25.0
AB+ 100.0 19.0 5.0 37.0 21.0 25.0 35.0
AB- 8.0 1.0 NaN 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0
B+ 419.0 106.0 44.0 185.0 100.0 102.0 157.0
B- 24.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 15.0
O+ 648.0 184.0 86.0 299.0 185.0 188.0 273.0
O- 74.0 24.0 9.0 32.0 21.0 19.0 34.0

The level can also be specified by name

Country Australia France Iceland Italy New Zealand United Kingdom United States
A+ 468.0 145.0 45.0 207.0 154.0 132.0 157.0
A- 59.0 17.0 6.0 31.0 9.0 23.0 25.0
AB+ 100.0 19.0 5.0 37.0 21.0 25.0 35.0
AB- 8.0 1.0 NaN 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0
B+ 419.0 106.0 44.0 185.0 100.0 102.0 157.0
B- 24.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 15.0
O+ 648.0 184.0 86.0 299.0 185.0 188.0 273.0
O- 74.0 24.0 9.0 32.0 21.0 19.0 34.0

Note that we have a bunch of NaN in our dataframe. This indicates that no one from Iceland has blood type AB+ in our dataset.

Since there was no such data in our dataset, it appears as a missing value.

However, here, a value of 0 would be more appropriate. We can tell the dataframe to replace its missing values by 0 using the fillna method.

Since we’re dealing with count data, it’s also a good idea to convert the type to int.

A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Australia 468 59 100 8 419 24 648 74
France 145 17 19 1 106 4 184 24
Iceland 45 6 5 0 44 5 86 9
Italy 207 31 37 5 185 4 299 32
New Zealand 154 9 21 5 100 5 185 21
United Kingdom 132 23 25 4 102 7 188 19
United States 157 25 35 4 157 15 273 34


We are using fake data so don't give too much credence to these results.

This being said, blood type frequencies do vary across countries and you can read more about it here.

C. GroupBy on multiple features.

Of, course, GroupBy operations aren’t limited to single features.

If we want to see the data grouped by country and blood type , we just need to specify both features in constructing the GroupBy object.

Note that with a groupby on multiple features we can obtain the previous result in a different way.

data.groupby(['Country','BloodType']).count().iloc[:, 0].unstack().fillna(0).astype(int)
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Australia 468 59 100 8 419 24 648 74
France 145 17 19 1 106 4 184 24
Iceland 45 6 5 0 44 5 86 9
Italy 207 31 37 5 185 4 299 32
New Zealand 154 9 21 5 100 5 185 21
United Kingdom 132 23 25 4 102 7 188 19
United States 157 25 35 4 157 15 273 34

Let’s group our data based on country and gender.

grouped_by_country_and_gender = data.groupby(['Country', 'Gender'])

A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Country Gender
Australia female 229.0 29.0 54.0 4.0 205.0 13.0 328.0 41.0
male 239.0 30.0 46.0 4.0 214.0 11.0 320.0 33.0
France female 76.0 11.0 10.0 NaN 47.0 2.0 79.0 16.0
male 69.0 6.0 9.0 1.0 59.0 2.0 105.0 8.0
Iceland female 22.0 5.0 2.0 NaN 17.0 4.0 34.0 8.0
male 23.0 1.0 3.0 NaN 27.0 1.0 52.0 1.0
Italy female 102.0 14.0 22.0 1.0 89.0 1.0 160.0 17.0
male 105.0 17.0 15.0 4.0 96.0 3.0 139.0 15.0
New Zealand female 75.0 5.0 8.0 1.0 53.0 2.0 91.0 9.0
male 79.0 4.0 13.0 4.0 47.0 3.0 94.0 12.0
United Kingdom female 65.0 6.0 14.0 1.0 55.0 4.0 99.0 13.0
male 67.0 17.0 11.0 3.0 47.0 3.0 89.0 6.0
United States female 89.0 13.0 18.0 3.0 77.0 7.0 138.0 12.0
male 68.0 12.0 17.0 1.0 80.0 8.0 135.0 22.0

Once again let’s replace missing values by 0.

A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Country Gender
Australia female 229 29 54 4 205 13 328 41
male 239 30 46 4 214 11 320 33
France female 76 11 10 0 47 2 79 16
male 69 6 9 1 59 2 105 8
Iceland female 22 5 2 0 17 4 34 8
male 23 1 3 0 27 1 52 1
Italy female 102 14 22 1 89 1 160 17
male 105 17 15 4 96 3 139 15
New Zealand female 75 5 8 1 53 2 91 9
male 79 4 13 4 47 3 94 12
United Kingdom female 65 6 14 1 55 4 99 13
male 67 17 11 3 47 3 89 6
United States female 89 13 18 3 77 7 138 12
male 68 12 17 1 80 8 135 22
Country Gender
Australia female 58.101883
male 57.531773
France female 59.207469
male 56.768340
Iceland female 57.315217
male 57.953704
Italy female 57.300493
male 55.893401
New Zealand female 55.823770
male 57.398438
United Kingdom female 57.284047
male 58.222222
United States female 57.299720
male 57.536443

Notice how we didn’t specify the Age feature. Pandas automatically outputs results for which the mean function makes sense. Here only Age fits the bill.

Like with any dataframe, you can also use apply to map a function to the grouped data, however, for anything more complex, like applying multiple functions at once, the agg method is more convenient.

min max mean std
Country Gender
Australia female 24 91 58.101883 19.587278
male 24 91 57.531773 19.394326
France female 25 91 59.207469 19.041143
male 24 91 56.768340 19.961407
Iceland female 24 91 57.315217 19.527343
male 24 91 57.953704 19.490896
Italy female 24 91 57.300493 19.116494
male 24 90 55.893401 18.838508
New Zealand female 24 91 55.823770 19.546233
male 24 91 57.398438 18.570202
United Kingdom female 24 91 57.284047 20.168651
male 24 91 58.222222 18.856132
United States female 24 91 57.299720 19.167134
male 24 91 57.536443 19.434197

For descriptive statistics of numerical data, the quantile function is also useful.


The 0.5 quantile is the median of our data.

grouped_by_country_and_gender['Age'].quantile((0.10, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.90)).unstack()
0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9
Country Gender
Australia female 31.0 41.00 58.0 75.00 85.0
male 30.0 41.00 58.0 74.00 85.0
France female 31.0 44.00 61.0 76.00 84.0
male 30.0 37.00 57.0 75.00 83.0
Iceland female 32.1 40.75 59.0 74.00 83.9
male 32.0 42.00 56.5 74.00 85.0
Italy female 31.0 41.00 57.0 73.00 85.0
male 31.0 39.00 55.0 71.00 84.0
New Zealand female 29.3 39.00 54.0 72.25 83.0
male 32.0 41.00 58.0 72.00 83.5
United Kingdom female 29.6 39.00 57.0 75.00 85.0
male 30.2 43.00 59.0 73.00 83.0
United States female 31.0 41.00 57.0 74.00 84.0
male 30.0 40.50 58.0 74.00 83.0

How can we use the grouped_by_country_and_gender object to output the number of people who were born on a given month (numbered 1 to 12), for each country, and for each gender?

Hint: This can be done in one line using apply and value_counts, but you need to make sure you keep track of the type of object you are dealing with at each stage of the pipeline.

# Method 1 - one liner 
            .apply(lambda x: x.dt.month.value_counts())
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Country Gender
Australia female 83 75 70 66 71 78 90 77 70 65 73 85
male 69 64 74 71 74 57 77 91 80 81 81 78
France female 26 15 18 13 30 22 22 19 11 21 21 23
male 22 15 22 28 19 22 26 23 26 22 16 18
Iceland female 7 11 3 6 5 10 10 12 9 4 7 8
male 7 11 15 2 8 9 11 6 12 10 9 8
Italy female 31 34 39 33 36 28 33 36 36 37 34 29
male 31 28 35 41 27 28 37 33 29 33 33 39
New Zealand female 18 20 19 21 22 26 26 15 14 23 23 17
male 21 22 16 22 30 19 16 25 18 25 23 19
United Kingdom female 17 21 19 22 14 20 31 22 19 24 34 14
male 21 16 22 26 20 21 23 18 17 21 19 19
United States female 38 32 35 24 37 25 25 25 32 31 21 32
male 44 30 23 25 23 29 31 29 26 28 26 29
# Method 2 - Starting from the original data
# create a month series first and use it to perform groupby

months = data.Birthday.dt.month
   .groupby(['Country', 'Gender', months])['Age']
Birthday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Country Gender
Australia female 83 75 70 66 71 78 90 77 70 65 73 85
male 69 64 74 71 74 57 77 91 80 81 81 78
France female 26 15 18 13 30 22 22 19 11 21 21 23
male 22 15 22 28 19 22 26 23 26 22 16 18
Iceland female 7 11 3 6 5 10 10 12 9 4 7 8
male 7 11 15 2 8 9 11 6 12 10 9 8
Italy female 31 34 39 33 36 28 33 36 36 37 34 29
male 31 28 35 41 27 28 37 33 29 33 33 39
New Zealand female 18 20 19 21 22 26 26 15 14 23 23 17
male 21 22 16 22 30 19 16 25 18 25 23 19
United Kingdom female 17 21 19 22 14 20 31 22 19 24 34 14
male 21 16 22 26 20 21 23 18 17 21 19 19
United States female 38 32 35 24 37 25 25 25 32 31 21 32
male 44 30 23 25 23 29 31 29 26 28 26 29
# Note that although we've used 'Age' here, any feature would have done. 
# Do you see why?

# Method 3 - Starting from the original data and assign a new month column
   .groupby(['Country', 'Gender', 'month'])['Age']
month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Country Gender
Australia female 83 75 70 66 71 78 90 77 70 65 73 85
male 69 64 74 71 74 57 77 91 80 81 81 78
France female 26 15 18 13 30 22 22 19 11 21 21 23
male 22 15 22 28 19 22 26 23 26 22 16 18
Iceland female 7 11 3 6 5 10 10 12 9 4 7 8
male 7 11 15 2 8 9 11 6 12 10 9 8
Italy female 31 34 39 33 36 28 33 36 36 37 34 29
male 31 28 35 41 27 28 37 33 29 33 33 39
New Zealand female 18 20 19 21 22 26 26 15 14 23 23 17
male 21 22 16 22 30 19 16 25 18 25 23 19
United Kingdom female 17 21 19 22 14 20 31 22 19 24 34 14
male 21 16 22 26 20 21 23 18 17 21 19 19
United States female 38 32 35 24 37 25 25 25 32 31 21 32
male 44 30 23 25 23 29 31 29 26 28 26 29

D. MultiIndex.

We can of course group the data by more than 2 features.

However, results might get a bit harder to take in.

s = data.groupby(['Country','Gender','BloodType'])['Age'].mean().round(2)
Country         Gender  BloodType
Australia       female  A+           59.36
                        A-           59.90
                        AB+          53.13
                        AB-          61.50
                        B+           56.62
                        B-           66.00
                        O+           58.46
                        O-           58.02
                male    A+           57.67
                        A-           51.70
                        AB+          59.98
                        AB-          62.00
                        B+           58.79
                        B-           44.73
                        O+           56.94
                        O-           59.76
France          female  A+           58.54
                        A-           53.09
                        AB+          63.40
                        B+           58.47
                        B-           61.50
                        O+           60.18
                        O-           61.06
                male    A+           60.81
                        A-           56.00
                        AB+          62.78
                        AB-          41.00
                        B+           55.03
                        B-           67.00
                        O+           53.90
United Kingdom  female  AB+          49.79
                        AB-          63.00
                        B+           55.33
                        B-           65.50
                        O+           57.16
                        O-           63.23
                male    A+           57.39
                        A-           60.41
                        AB+          53.91
                        AB-          65.33
                        B+           59.68
                        B-           32.67
                        O+           58.37
                        O-           64.83
United States   female  A+           57.46
                        A-           71.54
                        AB+          58.44
                        AB-          53.67
                        B+           55.75
                        B-           65.57
                        O+           57.57
                        O-           41.83
                male    A+           55.07
                        A-           47.08
                        AB+          55.12
                        AB-          66.00
                        B+           54.34
                        B-           71.25
                        O+           61.33
                        O-           55.73
Name: Age, Length: 109, dtype: float64


s is a Pandas Series object with a MultiIndex object as its index.

MultiIndex(levels=[['Australia', 'France', 'Iceland', 'Italy', 'New Zealand', 'United Kingdom', 'United States'], ['female', 'male'], ['A+', 'A-', 'AB+', 'AB-', 'B+', 'B-', 'O+', 'O-']],
           codes=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]],
           names=['Country', 'Gender', 'BloodType'])

We can convert the MultiIndexed series to a MultiIndexed dataframe using unstack.

df = s.unstack().fillna(0)
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Country Gender
Australia female 59.36 59.90 53.13 61.50 56.62 66.00 58.46 58.02
male 57.67 51.70 59.98 62.00 58.79 44.73 56.94 59.76
France female 58.54 53.09 63.40 0.00 58.47 61.50 60.18 61.06
male 60.81 56.00 62.78 41.00 55.03 67.00 53.90 65.62
Iceland female 56.95 63.40 63.00 0.00 60.06 67.25 53.15 60.00
male 62.09 35.00 57.00 0.00 59.37 74.00 55.13 81.00
Italy female 55.68 55.36 68.50 46.00 56.07 57.00 57.96 55.12
male 54.45 54.47 62.60 44.75 54.82 66.00 57.32 55.47
New Zealand female 57.49 59.20 50.50 67.00 58.19 45.00 53.22 58.33
male 60.39 74.75 65.08 64.00 53.96 52.33 54.68 57.42
United Kingdom female 58.42 63.17 49.79 63.00 55.33 65.50 57.16 63.23
male 57.39 60.41 53.91 65.33 59.68 32.67 58.37 64.83
United States female 57.46 71.54 58.44 53.67 55.75 65.57 57.57 41.83
male 55.07 47.08 55.12 66.00 54.34 71.25 61.33 55.73

To access specific data using the MultiIndex for a Series, you can use the xs method and specify the level at which you are extracting the data, if you are not using the top level.

To access specific data using the MultiIndex for a DataFrame, you can use the loc method, but specifying the level is a bit more involved.

Top level selection

Gender  BloodType
female  A+           59.36
        A-           59.90
        AB+          53.13
        AB-          61.50
        B+           56.62
        B-           66.00
        O+           58.46
        O-           58.02
male    A+           57.67
        A-           51.70
        AB+          59.98
        AB-          62.00
        B+           58.79
        B-           44.73
        O+           56.94
        O-           59.76
Name: Age, dtype: float64
df.loc['Australia', :]
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
female 59.36 59.9 53.13 61.5 56.62 66.00 58.46 58.02
male 57.67 51.7 59.98 62.0 58.79 44.73 56.94 59.76

This is equivalent to:

BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
female 59.36 59.9 53.13 61.5 56.62 66.00 58.46 58.02
male 57.67 51.7 59.98 62.0 58.79 44.73 56.94 59.76

The levels can be exchanged either by unstacking the right level, or by transposing the resulting dataframe.

Gender female male
A+ 59.36 57.67
A- 59.90 51.70
AB+ 53.13 59.98
AB- 61.50 62.00
B+ 56.62 58.79
B- 66.00 44.73
O+ 58.46 56.94
O- 58.02 59.76
Gender female male
A+ 59.36 57.67
A- 59.90 51.70
AB+ 53.13 59.98
AB- 61.50 62.00
B+ 56.62 58.79
B- 66.00 44.73
O+ 58.46 56.94
O- 58.02 59.76

To select data at a deeper level of the multiindex, you need to specify the level.

Here’s an example with Gender.

Notice the different syntax using xs.

s.xs('female', level='Gender').unstack()
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Australia 59.36 59.90 53.13 61.50 56.62 66.00 58.46 58.02
France 58.54 53.09 63.40 NaN 58.47 61.50 60.18 61.06
Iceland 56.95 63.40 63.00 NaN 60.06 67.25 53.15 60.00
Italy 55.68 55.36 68.50 46.00 56.07 57.00 57.96 55.12
New Zealand 57.49 59.20 50.50 67.00 58.19 45.00 53.22 58.33
United Kingdom 58.42 63.17 49.79 63.00 55.33 65.50 57.16 63.23
United States 57.46 71.54 58.44 53.67 55.75 65.57 57.57 41.83

Selecting the data from a deeper level is trickier with a dataframe.

We need to specify an index slice.

df.loc[(slice(None), 'female'), :].droplevel('Gender')
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Australia 59.36 59.90 53.13 61.50 56.62 66.00 58.46 58.02
France 58.54 53.09 63.40 0.00 58.47 61.50 60.18 61.06
Iceland 56.95 63.40 63.00 0.00 60.06 67.25 53.15 60.00
Italy 55.68 55.36 68.50 46.00 56.07 57.00 57.96 55.12
New Zealand 57.49 59.20 50.50 67.00 58.19 45.00 53.22 58.33
United Kingdom 58.42 63.17 49.79 63.00 55.33 65.50 57.16 63.23
United States 57.46 71.54 58.44 53.67 55.75 65.57 57.57 41.83

or alternatively, using a pandas IndexSlice object.

idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[idx[:, 'female'], :].droplevel('Gender')
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Australia 59.36 59.90 53.13 61.50 56.62 66.00 58.46 58.02
France 58.54 53.09 63.40 0.00 58.47 61.50 60.18 61.06
Iceland 56.95 63.40 63.00 0.00 60.06 67.25 53.15 60.00
Italy 55.68 55.36 68.50 46.00 56.07 57.00 57.96 55.12
New Zealand 57.49 59.20 50.50 67.00 58.19 45.00 53.22 58.33
United Kingdom 58.42 63.17 49.79 63.00 55.33 65.50 57.16 63.23
United States 57.46 71.54 58.44 53.67 55.75 65.57 57.57 41.83

Same if you want to select BloodType as the level.

s.xs('O+', level='BloodType').unstack().fillna(0)
Gender female male
Australia 58.46 56.94
France 60.18 53.90
Iceland 53.15 55.13
Italy 57.96 57.32
New Zealand 53.22 54.68
United Kingdom 57.16 58.37
United States 57.57 61.33
df.loc[:, ['O+']].unstack().droplevel('BloodType', axis='columns')
Gender female male
Australia 58.46 56.94
France 60.18 53.90
Iceland 53.15 55.13
Italy 57.96 57.32
New Zealand 53.22 54.68
United Kingdom 57.16 58.37
United States 57.57 61.33

Multiple levels can be specified at once

s.xs(('Australia','female'), level=['Country','Gender'])
A+     59.36
A-     59.90
AB+    53.13
AB-    61.50
B+     56.62
B-     66.00
O+     58.46
O-     58.02
Name: Age, dtype: float64
df.loc[('Australia', 'female'), :]
A+     59.36
A-     59.90
AB+    53.13
AB-    61.50
B+     56.62
B-     66.00
O+     58.46
O-     58.02
Name: (Australia, female), dtype: float64
s.xs(('Australia','O+'), level=['Country','BloodType'])
female    58.46
male      56.94
Name: Age, dtype: float64
df.loc['Australia', 'O+']
female    58.46
male      56.94
Name: O+, dtype: float64

Let’s visualise some of these results

# colormap from matplotlib
from matplotlib import cm

# Also see this stackoverflow post for the legend placement: 
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23556153/how-to-put-legend-outside-the-plot-with-pandas
ax = (s.xs('female', level='Gender')
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))


Notice the difference between the previous plot and the one below.

ax = (s.xs('female', level='Gender')
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))


E. Fine Tuning.

So far we’ve applied an operation on a single feature of a GroupBy object.

For instance, we’ve computed the mean for the Age feature, and then, in a separate computation we’ve computed a count of the blood types.

You can actually do everything at once by specifying a different operation for each feature using a dictionary, and use the agg method to aggregate the data across the dataframe.

group = data.groupby(['Country', 'Gender'])

def data_count(x):
    return Counter(x).items()

method = {'Age': [np.mean, np.std], 'BloodType': data_count}

group.agg(method).rename({'data_count':'group_counts'}, axis=1)
Age BloodType
mean std group_counts
Country Gender
Australia female 58.101883 19.587278 ((B+, 205), (O-, 41), (AB+, 54), (O+, 328), (A...
male 57.531773 19.394326 ((B+, 214), (AB+, 46), (A+, 239), (O+, 320), (...
France female 59.207469 19.041143 ((A-, 11), (B+, 47), (A+, 76), (O+, 79), (O-, ...
male 56.768340 19.961407 ((B+, 59), (A+, 69), (AB+, 9), (O+, 105), (O-,...
Iceland female 57.315217 19.527343 ((O+, 34), (A+, 22), (B-, 4), (B+, 17), (A-, 5...
male 57.953704 19.490896 ((O+, 52), (A+, 23), (AB+, 3), (B+, 27), (O-, ...
Italy female 57.300493 19.116494 ((A+, 102), (O+, 160), (B+, 89), (O-, 17), (AB...
male 55.893401 18.838508 ((A+, 105), (O+, 139), (B+, 96), (AB-, 4), (B-...
New Zealand female 55.823770 19.546233 ((O-, 9), (O+, 91), (A+, 75), (AB+, 8), (B+, 5...
male 57.398438 18.570202 ((A+, 79), (O+, 94), (AB+, 13), (B+, 47), (O-,...
United Kingdom female 57.284047 20.168651 ((A+, 65), (B+, 55), (O-, 13), (O+, 99), (AB+,...
male 58.222222 18.856132 ((A+, 67), (B+, 47), (O-, 6), (A-, 17), (O+, 8...
United States female 57.299720 19.167134 ((A+, 89), (B+, 77), (O+, 138), (AB+, 18), (A-...
male 57.536443 19.434197 ((A+, 68), (O+, 135), (B+, 80), (A-, 12), (AB+...

Accessing a particular portion of the result is just a matter of navigating the multilevel structure of the index and the columns.

group.agg(method).loc[[('Australia', 'male')]]
Age BloodType
mean std data_count
Country Gender
Australia male 57.531773 19.394326 ((B+, 214), (AB+, 46), (A+, 239), (O+, 320), (...

This is equivalent to

group.agg(method).xs(('Australia', 'male'), level=['Country', 'Gender'])
Age BloodType
mean std data_count
Country Gender
Australia male 57.531773 19.394326 ((B+, 214), (AB+, 46), (A+, 239), (O+, 320), (...

Notice the difference with

group.agg(method).xs(('Australia', 'male'))
Age        mean                                                    57.5318
           std                                                     19.3943
BloodType  data_count    ((B+, 214), (AB+, 46), (A+, 239), (O+, 320), (...
Name: (Australia, male), dtype: object

We can select data using levels of the columns.

group.agg(method).loc[:,[('Age', 'mean')]]
Country Gender
Australia female 58.101883
male 57.531773
France female 59.207469
male 56.768340
Iceland female 57.315217
male 57.953704
Italy female 57.300493
male 55.893401
New Zealand female 55.823770
male 57.398438
United Kingdom female 57.284047
male 58.222222
United States female 57.299720
male 57.536443

This is equivalent to

group.agg(method).xs([('Age', 'mean')], axis=1)
Country Gender
Australia female 58.101883
male 57.531773
France female 59.207469
male 56.768340
Iceland female 57.315217
male 57.953704
Italy female 57.300493
male 55.893401
New Zealand female 55.823770
male 57.398438
United Kingdom female 57.284047
male 58.222222
United States female 57.299720
male 57.536443

You can go as “deep” as you need.

group.agg(method).loc['Australia', 'female']['Age']['mean']

This is equivalent to

group.agg(method).xs(('Australia', 'female'))['Age']['mean']

To extract just the values (without the index), use the values attribute.

group.agg(method).loc['Australia', 'female']['BloodType'].values
array([dict_items([('B+', 205), ('O-', 41), ('AB+', 54), ('O+', 328), ('A+', 229), ('A-', 29), ('B-', 13), ('AB-', 4)])],

Cross-tabulation is an effective way to have a quick look at how the data is distributed across categories.

pd.crosstab(data.Gender, data.BloodType, margins=True)
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O- All
female 658 83 128 10 543 33 929 116 2500
male 650 87 114 17 570 31 934 97 2500
All 1308 170 242 27 1113 64 1863 213 5000
pd.crosstab([data.Country, data.Gender], data.BloodType, margins=True)
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O- All
Country Gender
Australia female 229 29 54 4 205 13 328 41 903
male 239 30 46 4 214 11 320 33 897
France female 76 11 10 0 47 2 79 16 241
male 69 6 9 1 59 2 105 8 259
Iceland female 22 5 2 0 17 4 34 8 92
male 23 1 3 0 27 1 52 1 108
Italy female 102 14 22 1 89 1 160 17 406
male 105 17 15 4 96 3 139 15 394
New Zealand female 75 5 8 1 53 2 91 9 244
male 79 4 13 4 47 3 94 12 256
United Kingdom female 65 6 14 1 55 4 99 13 257
male 67 17 11 3 47 3 89 6 243
United States female 89 13 18 3 77 7 138 12 357
male 68 12 17 1 80 8 135 22 343
All 1308 170 242 27 1113 64 1863 213 5000

F. GroupBy on continuous features.

We’ve seen how we can group the data according to the features that are in the original dataset.

For instance, grouping the data by country is trivial. Same for the blood type because these are categorical data.

But what about Age? If we do a groupby without thinking too much about it we get something rather useless.

g = data.groupby('Age')
count  24     37
       25     72
       26     73
       27     86
       28     69
       29     81
       30     71
       31     86
       32     73
       33     78
       34     54
       35     79
       36     70
       37     88
       38     70
       39     81
       40     62
       41     75
       42     66
       43     70
       44     67
       45     80
       46     85
       47     65
       48     77
       49     88
       50     77
       51     75
       52     83
       53     86
freq   62     28
       63     41
       64     26
       65     26
       66     38
       67     28
       68     35
       69     36
       70     25
       71     25
       72     39
       73     21
       74     32
       75     39
       76     21
       77     20
       78     33
       79     32
       80     30
       81     21
       82     34
       83     27
       84     25
       85     25
       86     28
       87     32
       88     23
       89     30
       90     24
       91     18
Length: 272, dtype: object

We get one entry for each year of Age which isn’t what we want.

Ideally, we’d want to split the data into age groups and use that to group the data. Pandas has a cut function that allows us to do that.

count    5000.000000
mean       57.447600
std        19.339422
min        24.000000
25%        41.000000
50%        57.000000
75%        74.000000
max        91.000000
Name: Age, dtype: float64
bins = np.arange(20, 100, 10)
array([20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90])
labels = pd.cut(data.Age, bins)
0    (50, 60]
1    (50, 60]
2    (50, 60]
3    (80, 90]
4    (70, 80]
Name: Age, dtype: category
Categories (7, interval[int64]): [(20, 30] < (30, 40] < (40, 50] < (50, 60] < (60, 70] < (70, 80] < (80, 90]]
0    51
1    57
2    55
3    86
4    73
Name: Age, dtype: int64

We can use the newly created label to partition the Age variable into intervals.

grouped = data.groupby(['Country', labels])

Age             (20, 30]  (30, 40]  (40, 50]  (50, 60]  (60, 70]  (70, 80]  \
Australia            177       254       269       275       257       280   
France                48        76        68        71        75        76   
Iceland               16        32        36        24        30        26   
Italy                 74       131       120       134       128        96   
New Zealand           49        76        81        70        93        57   
United Kingdom        54        69        77        64        72        91   
United States         71       103        99       111       102       115   

Age             (80, 90]  
Australia            272  
France                82  
Iceland               34  
Italy                111  
New Zealand           71  
United Kingdom        69  
United States         94  

If we want the Age groups to be our index we can use unstack(0) or much the more explicit and therefore better, unstack('Country') .

Country Australia France Iceland Italy New Zealand United Kingdom United States
(20, 30] 177 48 16 74 49 54 71
(30, 40] 254 76 32 131 76 69 103
(40, 50] 269 68 36 120 81 77 99
(50, 60] 275 71 24 134 70 64 111
(60, 70] 257 75 30 128 93 72 102
(70, 80] 280 76 26 96 57 91 115
(80, 90] 272 82 34 111 71 69 94

Just like before, we can pass more features to the groupby method.

grouped = data.groupby(['Country', 'BloodType', labels])
BloodType A+ A- AB+ AB- B+ B- O+ O-
Country Age
Australia (20, 30] 41.0 11.0 13.0 0.0 49.0 3.0 53.0 7.0
(30, 40] 63.0 8.0 14.0 2.0 57.0 4.0 97.0 9.0
(40, 50] 73.0 9.0 16.0 2.0 56.0 2.0 100.0 11.0
(50, 60] 74.0 5.0 16.0 0.0 67.0 2.0 100.0 11.0
(60, 70] 60.0 7.0 10.0 0.0 55.0 8.0 106.0 11.0
(70, 80] 85.0 7.0 15.0 1.0 57.0 4.0 101.0 10.0
(80, 90] 65.0 11.0 16.0 3.0 77.0 1.0 84.0 15.0
France (20, 30] 17.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 19.0 1.0
(30, 40] 17.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 28.0 3.0
(40, 50] 17.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 12.0 0.0 27.0 3.0
(50, 60] 18.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 14.0 2.0 32.0 3.0
(60, 70] 23.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 18.0 1.0 25.0 4.0
(70, 80] 22.0 5.0 4.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 26.0 5.0
(80, 90] 30.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 17.0 1.0 24.0 5.0
Iceland (20, 30] 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 10.0 0.0
(30, 40] 7.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 15.0 1.0
(40, 50] 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 17.0 2.0
(50, 60] 8.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 11.0 1.0
(60, 70] 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 12.0 2.0
(70, 80] 7.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 6.0 3.0 9.0 0.0
(80, 90] 9.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 8.0 1.0 10.0 3.0
Italy (20, 30] 19.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 23.0 0.0 22.0 4.0
(30, 40] 39.0 8.0 4.0 1.0 29.0 0.0 45.0 5.0
(40, 50] 36.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 27.0 1.0 40.0 6.0
(50, 60] 27.0 2.0 5.0 0.0 32.0 1.0 62.0 5.0
(60, 70] 33.0 2.0 8.0 1.0 27.0 1.0 52.0 4.0
(70, 80] 33.0 4.0 6.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 29.0 2.0
(80, 90] 19.0 5.0 8.0 0.0 25.0 1.0 47.0 6.0
New Zealand (20, 30] 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.0 1.0 22.0 2.0
(30, 40] 19.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 17.0 1.0 29.0 4.0
(40, 50] 17.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 18.0 1.0 39.0 4.0
(50, 60] 24.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 29.0 1.0
(60, 70] 33.0 3.0 6.0 1.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 3.0
(70, 80] 24.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 10.0 1.0 17.0 1.0
(80, 90] 23.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 15.0 0.0 21.0 6.0
United Kingdom (20, 30] 12.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 14.0 1.0 21.0 2.0
(30, 40] 21.0 2.0 7.0 0.0 13.0 3.0 23.0 0.0
(40, 50] 22.0 2.0 5.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 31.0 3.0
(50, 60] 14.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 14.0 1.0 24.0 4.0
(60, 70] 15.0 7.0 4.0 2.0 11.0 0.0 31.0 2.0
(70, 80] 28.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 24.0 1.0 28.0 4.0
(80, 90] 19.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 10.0 1.0 29.0 4.0
United States (20, 30] 21.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 16.0 1.0 21.0 5.0
(30, 40] 21.0 1.0 6.0 0.0 26.0 1.0 41.0 7.0
(40, 50] 23.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 30.0 1.0 31.0 7.0
(50, 60] 27.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 25.0 1.0 40.0 4.0
(60, 70] 17.0 6.0 5.0 2.0 26.0 2.0 39.0 5.0
(70, 80] 22.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 18.0 5.0 61.0 4.0
(80, 90] 24.0 5.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 3.0 39.0 2.0

The End…

Unicode strings in Python

1. Unicode: an introduction.

Computers only understand one thing: binary code. For instance, when you type the letter “A” the computer must represent this as a sequence of 0s and 1s.

Therefore we need a rule (code) for converting between characters and sequences of 0s and 1s. A basic way to do this is provided by the ASCII code.

The ASCII code uses 1 byte (8 bits) to encode 256 possible characters, corresponding to a binary number between 0 and $255 = 2^7+2^6+2^5+2^4+2^3+2^2+2^1+2^0$.

These can be split into 3 groups (see the link above). The usual characters used in English are those whose ASCII codes are between 32 and 127.

For instance the letter “A” corresponds to the number 65 which is treated by the computer as the binary sequence $1000001$.

In Python, the ASCII code of a given letter can be obtained using the ord function. It can be converted to binary using bin, and to hexadecimal (base 16) code using hex.

Conversely, the character corresponding to a given ASCII code can be obtained using the chr function.

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

print("Character: A")
print("ASCII code:", ord('A'))
print("Binary code:", bin(ord('A')))
print("Hexadecimal code:", hex(ord('A')))
print("chr(65):", chr(65))
Character: A
ASCII code: 65
Binary code: 0b1000001
Hexadecimal code: 0x41
chr(65): A

The result above tells us that the binary code for A (starting with 0b) corresponds to the decimal number $2^6+2^0=64+1=65$.

Similarly, the hexadecimal code (starting with 0x) tells us that A corresponds to $4\times 16^1+1\times 16^0=64+1=65$ in old money (base 10).

Let’s have a look at all the characters whose ASCII code is between 32 and 127

print([chr(i) for i in range(32, 127)])
[' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', "'", '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~']

Because the ASCII code is using (at most) 1 byte, it cannot represent more than 256 characters. This is sufficient to writing English text but it's not enough to code other symbols such as non-English alphabet, accented characters, as well as more esoteric characters... Hence, another type of character encoding is needed.

Modern character encoding is built on Unicode which contains (at this time) more than 130,000 characters. Note that not all web browsers/fonts are able to display all these characters. In Unicode each character is represented by a code point. When stored/processed by a computer the character is encoded on 1 or more bytes.

⚠ Beware!

We mustn't confuse the code point and the byte encoding associated with any given character.

Think of the code point as an identification number for a character (kind of like your social security number). This code point is distinct from the binary representation of said character in terms of 1s and 0s.

How do we connect the two?

That's what encodings are for. An encoding provides a convention for passing from code point to bytes.

There are several encodings of Unicode characters. The main one for our purpose is called UTF-8. It uses a variable length encoding (1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes).

Unicode has the advantage of being a superset of ASCII. In other words, all the ASCII codes are also valid Unicode codes.

Here's an example. The euro sign € has code U+20AC. The U+ tells us it's a unicode code point and the 20AC is a hexadecimal number (base 16) which corresponds to 8364 in base 10.

In Python 3 strings are by default unicode, so the type str holds for any valid unicode character, not just those that can be encoded using ASCII.

We can represent code points in Python using a special string starting with \u.

euro = '\u20AC'
print("Character:", euro)
print("Decimal code point:", ord(euro))
print("Hexadecimal code point:", hex(ord(euro)))
print("Binary code point:", bin(ord(euro)))
print("Type:", type(euro)) 
print("Character length:", len(euro))
Character: €
Decimal code point: 8364
Hexadecimal code point: 0x20ac
Binary code point: 0b10000010101100
Type: <class 'str'>
Character length: 1

Notice that we have an string of type str and its length is 1 character.

Notice also that, in this case, the Unicode code point used by Python is actually based on the hexadecimal code associated with the character.

The hexadecimal value 20ac corresponds to the decimal value $2\times 16^3+0\times 16^2+10\times 16^1+12\times 16^0=8192+160+12=8364$.

If we encode the string (character really) using UTF-8, we get its byte representation, which has type bytes and is encoded over 3 bytes.

euroUTF8 = euro.encode('utf-8')
print("UTF-8 encoded character:", euroUTF8)
print("UTF-8 encoded type:", type(euroUTF8)) 
print("UTF-8 encoded character length:", len(euroUTF8))
UTF-8 encoded character: b'\xe2\x82\xac'
UTF-8 encoded type: <class 'bytes'>
UTF-8 encoded character length: 3

Contrast this with:

A_UTF8 = 'A'.encode('utf-8')
print("UTF-8 encoded character:", A_UTF8)
print("UTF-8 encoded type:", type(A_UTF8)) 
print("UTF-8 encoded character length:", len(A_UTF8))
UTF-8 encoded character: b'A'
UTF-8 encoded type: <class 'bytes'>
UTF-8 encoded character length: 1

As long as we don’t confuse unicode and bytes, and get our encodings right, we and Python strings will live happily for ever after.

One way to think about this is that we encode a string to pass it to the computer, and we decode it to show it to a human.

print("Unicode character:", euro)
print("UTF-8 encoded character:", euroUTF8)
print("Decoded bytes:", euroUTF8.decode('utf-8'))
Unicode character: €
UTF-8 encoded character: b'\xe2\x82\xac'
Decoded bytes: €

Note that the default encoding on many systems (at least in the English speaking world) used to be ASCII, but UTF-8 has become the norm.

(There are some additional things happening with the print function, but we won’t get into it here.)

Note that ord and chr work with Unicode.


You can also refer to unicode characters using their name in Python using the special ‘\N{NAME}’ syntax.


Most of the agonising pain associated with Unicode in Python has to do with not specifying (or knowing) whether we’re dealing with unicode or bytes.

Once that’s clear, your Python code can handle non-ASCII characters. Let’s start with something easy.


s = 'Straße'
sUTF8 = s.encode('utf-8')
s, sUTF8
('Straße', b'Stra\xc3\x9fe')
print("Length of s :", len(s))
print("Length of encoded s:", len(sUTF8))
Length of s : 6
Length of encoded s: 7
print("Unicode :", [c for c in s])
Unicode : ['S', 't', 'r', 'a', 'ß', 'e']
print("UTF-8   :",[c for c in sUTF8])
UTF-8   : [83, 116, 114, 97, 195, 159, 101]


Notice how the character ß is represented by the 2 bytes \xc3\x9f however, 223 is the code point for the German Eszett, so is there a problem?


In base 16 (hexadecimal), df corresponds to the number 223.

int('df', 16)

We can specify a hexadecimal code in a string using the \x prefix.


So if ‘\xdf’ represents our unicode character, what does “\xc3\x9f” represents?

It represents the encoding of our unicode character over 2 bytes using UTF-8.

We can decode the corresponding byte string and get the unicode character to print to the notebook.


In a different encoding (e.g. latin-1), the same letter would be encoded as \xdf.



s = u"Les cons, ça ose tout. C'est même à ça qu'on les reconnaît."
sUTF8 = s.encode('utf-8')
Les cons, ça ose tout. C'est même à ça qu'on les reconnaît.
b"Les cons, \xc3\xa7a ose tout. C'est m\xc3\xaame \xc3\xa0 \xc3\xa7a qu'on les reconna\xc3\xaet."
sLATIN1 = s.encode('latin-1')
Les cons, ça ose tout. C'est même à ça qu'on les reconnaît.
b"Les cons, \xe7a ose tout. C'est m\xeame \xe0 \xe7a qu'on les reconna\xeet."
print("Length of s :", len(s), "\t",  
      "Length of UTF-8 encoded s:", len(sUTF8), "\t",  
      "Length of LATIN-1 encoded s:", len(sLATIN1),

print("Unicode :", [c for c in s], "\n")

print("UTF-8   :",[c for c in sUTF8], "\n")

print("Latin-1 :",[c for c in sLATIN1], "\n")
Length of s : 59     Length of UTF-8 encoded s: 64   Length of LATIN-1 encoded s: 59 

Unicode : ['L', 'e', 's', ' ', 'c', 'o', 'n', 's', ',', ' ', 'ç', 'a', ' ', 'o', 's', 'e', ' ', 't', 'o', 'u', 't', '.', ' ', 'C', "'", 'e', 's', 't', ' ', 'm', 'ê', 'm', 'e', ' ', 'à', ' ', 'ç', 'a', ' ', 'q', 'u', "'", 'o', 'n', ' ', 'l', 'e', 's', ' ', 'r', 'e', 'c', 'o', 'n', 'n', 'a', 'î', 't', '.'] 

UTF-8   : [76, 101, 115, 32, 99, 111, 110, 115, 44, 32, 195, 167, 97, 32, 111, 115, 101, 32, 116, 111, 117, 116, 46, 32, 67, 39, 101, 115, 116, 32, 109, 195, 170, 109, 101, 32, 195, 160, 32, 195, 167, 97, 32, 113, 117, 39, 111, 110, 32, 108, 101, 115, 32, 114, 101, 99, 111, 110, 110, 97, 195, 174, 116, 46] 

Latin-1 : [76, 101, 115, 32, 99, 111, 110, 115, 44, 32, 231, 97, 32, 111, 115, 101, 32, 116, 111, 117, 116, 46, 32, 67, 39, 101, 115, 116, 32, 109, 234, 109, 101, 32, 224, 32, 231, 97, 32, 113, 117, 39, 111, 110, 32, 108, 101, 115, 32, 114, 101, 99, 111, 110, 110, 97, 238, 116, 46] 

This is fine but these languages are using the usual latin alphabet with the exception of a few special characters such as accents.

What about languages that use a completely different alphabet? Let’s find out.


(source: http://sacred-texts.com/cla/homer/greek/ili01.htm)

# unicode string
iliad =  "μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος"
μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος
<class 'str'>
# byte string
iliad = "μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος".encode('utf-8')
b'\xce\xbc\xe1\xbf\x86\xce\xbd\xce\xb9\xce\xbd \xe1\xbc\x84\xce\xb5\xce\xb9\xce\xb4\xce\xb5 \xce\xb8\xce\xb5\xe1\xbd\xb0 \xce\xa0\xce\xb7\xce\xbb\xce\xb7\xce\xb9\xcc\x88\xe1\xbd\xb1\xce\xb4\xce\xb5\xcf\x89 \xe1\xbc\x88\xcf\x87\xce\xb9\xce\xbb\xe1\xbf\x86\xce\xbf\xcf\x82'
<class 'bytes'>

⚠ Stop and think!

So how many characters are there in the string? 70 or 34? How would you list the individual characters within the string?

The answer is 34. These are the actual characters that compose the string.

The encoded version will have a different number of bytes depending on the encoding.

# unicode string
iliad =  "μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος"

L = [c for c in iliad]
for i, c in enumerate(L):
    print(i+1, "\t", c)
1    μ
2    ῆ
3    ν
4    ι
5    ν
7    ἄ
8    ε
9    ι
10   δ
11   ε
13   θ
14   ε
15   ὰ
17   Π
18   η
19   λ
20   η
21   ι
22   ̈
23   ά
24   δ
25   ε
26   ω
28   Ἀ
29   χ
30   ι
31   λ
32   ῆ
33   ο
34   ς
# byte string
iliad_encoded =  "μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος".encode('utf-8')

L = [c for c in iliad_encoded]
for i, c in enumerate(L):
    print(i+1, "\t", c)
1    206
2    188
3    225
4    191
5    134
6    206
7    189
8    206
9    185
10   206
11   189
12   32
13   225
14   188
15   132
16   206
17   181
18   206
19   185
20   206
21   180
22   206
23   181
24   32
25   206
26   184
27   206
28   181
29   225
30   189
31   176
32   32
33   206
34   160
35   206
36   183
37   206
38   187
39   206
40   183
41   206
42   185
43   204
44   136
45   225
46   189
47   177
48   206
49   180
50   206
51   181
52   207
53   137
54   32
55   225
56   188
57   136
58   207
59   135
60   206
61   185
62   206
63   187
64   225
65   191
66   134
67   206
68   191
69   207
70   130

What’s going on?

We have a sequence of bytes and we are outputing each individual byte value.

Python has no way of knowing what characters these bytes represent, hence we see a bunch of numbers.

The same applies to any other language.


(source: http://sacred-texts.com/bib/tan/gen001.htm)

# unicode string
gen1 = "בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ"
בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ
<class 'str'>
# byte string
gen1_UTF8 = "בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ".encode('utf-8')
b'\xd7\x91\xd6\xbc\xd6\xb0\xd7\xa8\xd6\xb5\xd7\x90\xd7\xa9\xd7\x81\xd6\xb4\xd6\x96\xd7\x99\xd7\xaa \xd7\x91\xd6\xbc\xd6\xb8\xd7\xa8\xd6\xb8\xd6\xa3\xd7\x90 \xd7\x90\xd6\xb1\xd7\x9c\xd6\xb9\xd7\x94\xd6\xb4\xd6\x91\xd7\x99\xd7\x9d \xd7\x90\xd6\xb5\xd6\xa5\xd7\xaa \xd7\x94\xd6\xb7\xd7\xa9\xd7\x81\xd6\xbc\xd6\xb8\xd7\x9e\xd6\xb7\xd6\x96\xd7\x99\xd6\xb4\xd7\x9d \xd7\x95\xd6\xb0\xd7\x90\xd6\xb5\xd6\xa5\xd7\xaa \xd7\x94\xd6\xb8\xd7\x90\xd6\xb8\xd6\xbd\xd7\xa8\xd6\xb6\xd7\xa5'
<class 'bytes'>


(source: http://ctext.org/art-of-war)

# unicode string
sun = "孫子曰:兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也"
<class 'str'>
# byte string
sun_UTF8 = u"孫子曰:兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也".encode('utf-8')
<class 'bytes'>

Other characters

Unicode is not restricted to what we may traditionally think as human languages. It also includes many other characters.

Let’s create a helper function to print a large number of unicode characters in a nice way.

def print_unicode(start, stop, width=30):
    for code in range(start, stop):
        end = '\n' if (code-start)%width==0 else ' '
        print(chr(code), end=end)
print_unicode(128000, 128300)
🐁 🐂 🐃 🐄 🐅 🐆 🐇 🐈 🐉 🐊 🐋 🐌 🐍 🐎 🐏 🐐 🐑 🐒 🐓 🐔 🐕 🐖 🐗 🐘 🐙 🐚 🐛 🐜 🐝 🐞
🐟 🐠 🐡 🐢 🐣 🐤 🐥 🐦 🐧 🐨 🐩 🐪 🐫 🐬 🐭 🐮 🐯 🐰 🐱 🐲 🐳 🐴 🐵 🐶 🐷 🐸 🐹 🐺 🐻 🐼
🐽 🐾 🐿 👀 👁 👂 👃 👄 👅 👆 👇 👈 👉 👊 👋 👌 👍 👎 👏 👐 👑 👒 👓 👔 👕 👖 👗 👘 👙 👚
👛 👜 👝 👞 👟 👠 👡 👢 👣 👤 👥 👦 👧 👨 👩 👪 👫 👬 👭 👮 👯 👰 👱 👲 👳 👴 👵 👶 👷 👸
👹 👺 👻 👼 👽 👾 👿 💀 💁 💂 💃 💄 💅 💆 💇 💈 💉 💊 💋 💌 💍 💎 💏 💐 💑 💒 💓 💔 💕 💖
💗 💘 💙 💚 💛 💜 💝 💞 💟 💠 💡 💢 💣 💤 💥 💦 💧 💨 💩 💪 💫 💬 💭 💮 💯 💰 💱 💲 💳 💴
💵 💶 💷 💸 💹 💺 💻 💼 💽 💾 💿 📀 📁 📂 📃 📄 📅 📆 📇 📈 📉 📊 📋 📌 📍 📎 📏 📐 📑 📒
📓 📔 📕 📖 📗 📘 📙 📚 📛 📜 📝 📞 📟 📠 📡 📢 📣 📤 📥 📦 📧 📨 📩 📪 📫 📬 📭 📮 📯 📰
📱 📲 📳 📴 📵 📶 📷 📸 📹 📺 📻 📼 📽 📾 📿 🔀 🔁 🔂 🔃 🔄 🔅 🔆 🔇 🔈 🔉 🔊 🔋 🔌 🔍 🔎
🔏 🔐 🔑 🔒 🔓 🔔 🔕 🔖 🔗 🔘 🔙 🔚 🔛 🔜 🔝 🔞 🔟 🔠 🔡 🔢 🔣 🔤 🔥 🔦 🔧 🔨 🔩 🔪 🔫 


These are characters, not images. You can write them to a file on your computer's hard drive, and read them back in.
# UTF-8 is used by default on my machine
with open('unicode.txt', 'w') as f:
    for code in range(128000, 128300):
!cat unicode.txt


We can also get Python to print out the names of the characters.
import unicodedata
for c in range(128000, 128100):
    print(chr(c), unicodedata.name(chr(c)))
🐂 OX

Similarly, we can find out the names of the characters we used previously.

for c in iliad:
    print(c, unicodedata.name(c))
for c in gen1:
    print(c, unicodedata.name(c))
for c in sun:
    print(c, unicodedata.name(c))

The End.

That ain't dancing Sally!

Same difference.

Congratulations! Your simulation code from the previous post has impressed all and sundry and you've been asked to teach introductory statistics to first year students at the prestigious Vandelay University.

You've got 2 stats classes, one with a group of 65 students, and another with a group of 35 students. We assume that the students have been randomly allocated to each group, and that they share the same final exam.

The difference between the groups is the teaching technique employed. With group1 you teach a standard stats course, while with group2 you sometimes use interpretive dance instead of equations to explain statistical concepts.

Let's jump right in.

from math import *
import numpy as np

# suppress warning messages.
import warnings

# import the scipy module which comtains scientific and stats functions.
import scipy.stats as stats

# usual plotting stuff.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
%matplotlib inline

# set the matplotlib style 

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

Here are the marks (out of 100) in the final exam for these two groups.

group1 = np.array([57, 65, 54, 53, 81, 75, 61, 63, 68, 73, 71, 45, 63, 62, 74, 69, 37,
       55, 78, 55, 54, 65, 95, 48, 53, 61, 63, 65, 60, 74, 52, 50, 33, 39,
       100, 66, 46, 61, 99, 63, 34, 57, 43, 49, 45, 63, 64, 51, 63, 74, 60,
       62, 59, 71, 74, 49, 42, 60, 68, 52, 69, 59, 60, 67, 69])

group2 = np.array([40, 50, 25, 43, 37, 36, 62, 58, 58, 62, 45, 44, 40, 43, 53, 51, 38,
       59, 55, 62, 71, 40, 60, 49, 61, 53, 74, 49, 73, 51, 59, 52, 98, 57,
print(group1.size, group2.size)
65 35

When you compare the marks between the two groups you notice that, on average, the marks in group2 are lower that those in group1.

diff = group1.mean() - group2.mean()

We can visualise the distribution of marks in both groups using a box plot.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.boxplot((group1, group2))
plt.xlabel("group", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("mark", fontsize=20)


Is this difference in means statistically significant (i.e., should you drop the interpretive dance routine)?

Statistics should be able to provide us with an answer. Thankfully, some of my best friends are statisticians. I found one of those magnificent statistical creatures, and I asked them about differences between means of two groups. They mumbled something about beer, students, and tea test or something… I couldn’t tell what they were saying so I went to scipy instead and it turns out there’s an app for that.

The t-test is a statistical test that can tell us whether the difference in means between our two groups is statistically significant.

First, let us observe that the two groups have similar variances (this allows us to run a particular flavour of the test).

group1.var(), group2.var()
(179.0248520710059, 175.55102040816323)

Close enough for us. Let’s run the test.

t, p = stats.ttest_ind(group1, group2, equal_var=True)

print(f'Probability that a difference at least as extreme as {diff:0.2f} is due to chance (t test): {p*100:.2f}%')
Probability that a difference at least as extreme as 7.93 is due to chance (t test): 0.60%
But what does it all mean?

To the simulation!

We are trying to test whether there is a genuine (statistically significant) difference between the two groups.

One way that we can test this is to estimate how likely we are to observe a difference between the means of the two groups of at least 7.93, if we assume that there’s no difference in marks between the two groups (null hypothesis).

We can accomplish that by pooling all the values together and randomly shuffling (assigning) 65 of these values to group1 and the rest to group2.

Using this shuffling scheme, we will get an average difference between the two groups around zero, and the spread of the values we get will tell us how extreme (i.e., unlikely) a value of 7.93 or larger would be under the null hypothesis.

Let’s randomly shuffle the data across the two groups and compute the difference in means 100,000 times. (this may take a moment)

N = 100000


# Let's pool the marks together
a = np.concatenate((group1, group2))

i = group1.size

L = []
for _ in range(N):
    # shuffle the data using random permutation (most useless code comment ever!)
    shuffle = np.random.permutation(a)
    # split the shuffled data into 2 groups
    grp1, grp2 = shuffle[:i], shuffle[i:]
    # compute the difference in means
    L.append(np.mean(grp1) - np.mean(grp2))
L = np.array(L)

Let’s plot a histogram of the results.

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.hist(L, bins=50, normed=False, edgecolor='w')
plt.title('Difference between group means', fontsize=18)
plt.axvline(x=diff, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')
plt.annotate("Observed\ndifference\n($7.93$)", xy=(8.5, 5000), color='r', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel("difference in means", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("count", fontsize=20)


On the histogram, we see that the observed difference is quite far from the mode of the distribution.

In other words, it appears that a difference of 7.93 or more (in magnitude) does not occur very often. Let’s quantify this.

Proportion of simulated trials where the (absolute value of the) difference exceeds the observed difference.

pSim = np.mean((np.abs(L) > diff))
print(f'Probability that the difference at least as extreme as {diff:0.2f} is due to chance (Simulation): {pSim*100:.2f}%')
Probability that the difference at least as extreme as 7.93 is due to chance (Simulation): 0.58%
This is not too bad considering the true result is 0.60%.

This result means that if we assume that the two groups are sampled from the same population of students, the probability of observing a difference in means of at least 7.93 between the group just by random chance is only around 0.6%.

It is quite typical for the threshold for statistical significance to be set at 5%. Therefore, in this case, we’d conclude that the difference between the two groups is statistically significant. In other words, the teaching method has an impact on the marks. You might want to put that leotard away, stop the gyrations cause that ain’t dancing Sally!

Happy birthday to you!

The Birthday Problem is a classic problem in probability theory. We will use it to illustrate how to use simulation to get an estimate of the probability of some event occuring.

Imagine that you are at a party with $N$ people (including yourself). Let's assume that we have 365 days in a year and that the birthday of the people attending the party is randomly distributed with a uniform distribution, meaning that each of the 365 days is equally probable as a birthday (if you were born on February 29, you'll need to go to another party).

How large does $N$ need to be for the probability of having at least 2 people share a birthday to be at least 50%? What about 90%?

(Note that this is different from asking for the probability of anyone sharing a birthday with a given person)

We can easily work out the edge cases. We know that if we have 1 person at the party, the probability of 2 or more people sharing a birthday is 0, and if we have 366 or more people, that probability will be 1 owing to the pigeonhole principle.

It also makes intuitive sense that the probability of shared birthdays increases monotonically as the number of guests increases, therefore, we know that we will reach the 50% threshold somewhere between 2 and 365 guests. Not a great guesstimate by any means, but nonetheless, it gives us a starting point.

This is the kind of problem that can be solved using probability theory, however, let's see if we can get to the answer using simulation.

Let's break the problem down into pieces.

from math import *
import numpy as np

# suppress warning messages.
import warnings

# import the scipy module which comtains scientific and stats functions.
import scipy as sp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
%matplotlib inline

# set the matplotlib style 

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

First, we define a numpy array called days that contains the day numbers for the year (1 to 365).

days = np.arange(1, 366)
array([  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,  12,  13,
        14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,
        27,  28,  29,  30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,
        40,  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,  51,  52,
        53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,
        66,  67,  68,  69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,
        79,  80,  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,  91,
        92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98,  99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
       105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
       118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,
       131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
       144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156,
       157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169,
       170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,
       183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195,
       196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208,
       209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221,
       222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234,
       235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247,
       248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260,
       261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
       274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286,
       287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299,
       300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312,
       313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325,
       326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338,
       339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351,
       352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364,

Assuming there are $N=50$ people at the party, let’s create an array guests_bday that will contain $N$ day numbers randomly drawn (with replacement) from the array days.

We’ll use the random seed 42 to ensure that ours results are reproducible.

N = 50

guests_bday = np.random.choice(days, N)
array([103, 349, 271, 107,  72, 189,  21, 103, 122, 215, 331,  88, 100,
       360, 152, 131, 150, 309, 258, 344, 294, 192, 277, 161, 314,  22,
       253, 236, 345,  49,  59, 170, 188, 271, 190, 175,  51, 364,  55,
       244, 320, 131, 307, 135,  21, 329, 167, 274,  89, 316])

The number of unique birthdays in guests_bday is given by

num_unique = np.unique(guests_bday).size

In this example, we have 46 unique birthdays for 50 guests.

Now that we know how to compute the number of unique birthdays for a particular sample of $N$ guests, let’s write a function shared_birthdays that takes integers $N$ and n_trials as parameters, and returns the proportion of trials where two or more people share a birthday.

def shared_birthdays(N, n_trials=1000, seed=42):
    return np.mean([np.unique(np.random.choice(days, size=N)).size < N for _ in range(n_trials)])

Rather that manually changing the number of people at the party, let’s consider all possibilities between 0 and 100 at once (Hang on! A party with 0 people? “It happens”, the poor wretch replied, quickly looking away to wipe a tear with a désinvolture that belied his inner turmoil…).

number_of_people = range(101)
sim = np.array([shared_birthdays(N) for N in number_of_people])

We can now find the threshold above which we have a probability of shared birthday > 50%.

idx = np.where(sim > 0.5)[0][0]

According to our computation, if we have 23 or more people at the party, the probability of at least 2 people sharing a birthday is larger than 50%.

Similarly, to reach the 90% threshold…

idx = np.where(sim > 0.9)[0][0]

… we need at least 41 guests.

Let’s plot the result of the simulation

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(number_of_people, sim, 'g')
plt.axhline(y=0.5, c='r', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=0.9, c='r', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
plt.xticks(number_of_people[::5], fontsize=14)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.1), fontsize=14)
plt.ylim(0, 1.01)
plt.annotate("50%", xy = (93, 0.45), fontsize=14)
plt.annotate("90%", xy = (93, 0.85), fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('number of guests', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('probability', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Probability of at least 2 people sharing a birthday', fontsize=18)


So how can we check these results against the exact probability? When trying to determine the probability of a particular event occuring, it's often useful to consider the probability of the event __not__ occuring. Since these are two mutually exclusive events, their probabilities must sum to 1.

In our case, given N < 366 guests, the probability of no two guests sharing a birthday can be computed in the following way.

Assume that no two guests share a birthday. Let's consider a guest which we'll label as guest1. This guest will take one "birthday slot" out of 365. We then choose another guest, guest2, whose birthday must fall on one of the 364 unoccupied slots left. We then choose another guest, guest3, whose birthday must fall on one of the 363 unoccupied slots left. And on and on till we choose guestN whose birthday must fall on one of the (365-N+1) unoccupied slots left (recall that N < 366).

We can summarise this by saying that there are $$365\times364\times\cdots\times(365-N+1)=\frac{365!}{(365-N)!}$$ possible combinations of guests and birthdays that don't lead to a shared birthday.

Since, we're interested in (probabilities) proportions not number of configurations, we need to divide this number by the total number of birthday configurations for $N$ guests, which is just $365^N$ (each guest can have any birthday independently of the others). However, recall that this is the probability of no shared birthdays. To get the result we want we need to subtract this probability from 1. Hence, the exact (under the assumptions of the problem) probability of at least 2 people among $N$ guests sharing a birthday is:$$1 - \frac{365!}{365^N(365-N)!}$$

Let's compute this probability.

def exact_probability_shared_bday(N):
    return 1 - factorial(365)/factorial(365-N)/365**N

exact = np.array([exact_probability_shared_bday(N) for N in number_of_people])

idx = np.where(exact > 0.5)[0][0]
print(f"We need {number_of_people[idx]} guests to reach the 50% threshold")
idx = np.where(exact > 0.9)[0][0]
print(f"We need {number_of_people[idx]} guests to reach the 90% threshold")
We need 23 guests to reach the 50% threshold
We need 41 guests to reach the 90% threshold

We get the same results as with the simulation!

Let’s plot the two results on the same graph.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(number_of_people, sim, 'g', lw=2, alpha=0.8, label='simulation')
plt.plot(number_of_people, exact, 'k--', lw=1, label='exact')
plt.axhline(y=0.5, c='r', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=0.9, c='r', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
plt.xticks(number_of_people[::5], fontsize=14)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.1), fontsize=14)
plt.ylim(0, 1.01)
plt.annotate("50%", xy = (93, 0.45), fontsize=14)
plt.annotate("90%", xy = (93, 0.85), fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('number of guests', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('probability', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Probability of at least 2 people sharing a birthday', fontsize=18)
plt.legend(loc=4, fontsize=16)


Can we generalise our simulation beyond pairs?

The first thing to notice is that our initial strategy isn’t going to work anymore.

np.unique(np.random.choice(days, size=N)).size < N basically checks whether we have more guests than unique birthdays. This is an easy way to check whether at least two guests share a birthday, but it will fail to produce the correct answer if we’re looking to find out know whether at least M guests share a birthay with M > 2.

Instead of looking at the difference between number of guests and number of unique birthdays, let’s count the number of unique birthdays directly. We can do that with numpy’s bincount function.

While we’re at it, we might as well look at variations of this problem, the probability that the maximum number of of people sharing a birthday is M, or the probability of having at most M people share a birthday.

First, let’s illustrate how bincount works.

a = np.random.randint(0, 10, 20)
array([6, 3, 7, 4, 6, 9, 2, 6, 7, 4, 3, 7, 7, 2, 5, 4, 1, 7, 5, 1])
array([0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 5, 0, 1])

This gives us the number of occurences of each value from 0 to 9 in a.

We can make things more explicit in the following way:

for value, count in zip(np.arange(a.max()+1), np.bincount(a)):
    print(f"The value {value} appears {count} times in a.")
The value 0 appears 0 times in a.
The value 1 appears 2 times in a.
The value 2 appears 2 times in a.
The value 3 appears 2 times in a.
The value 4 appears 3 times in a.
The value 5 appears 2 times in a.
The value 6 appears 3 times in a.
The value 7 appears 5 times in a.
The value 8 appears 0 times in a.
The value 9 appears 1 times in a.

Let’s use bincount to count the largest number of people sharing a birthday in each of our trials.

def at_least_M_shared_birthdays(N, M=2, n_trials=1000, seed=42):
    return np.mean([np.bincount(np.random.choice(days, size=N)).max() >= M for _ in range(n_trials)])

def at_most_M_shared_birthdays(N, M=2, n_trials=1000, seed=42):
    # the only difference with the previous function is >= becomes <=
    return np.mean([np.bincount(np.random.choice(days, size=N)).max() <= M for _ in range(n_trials)])

def a_maximum_of_M_shared_birthdays(N, M=2, n_trials=1000, seed=42):
    # the only difference with the first function is >= becomes ==
    return np.mean([np.bincount(np.random.choice(days, size=N)).max() == M for _ in range(n_trials)])

# put the three functions in a dictionary to make it easier to choose between them later.
shared_bday = {}
shared_bday['at least']      = at_least_M_shared_birthdays
shared_bday['at most']       = at_most_M_shared_birthdays
shared_bday['a maximum of']  = a_maximum_of_M_shared_birthdays

We create a utility function to run the simulation and plot the results.

Recall that M is the number of people sharing a birthday.

def plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=2, max_num_guests=100, how='at least'):

    number_of_guests = np.arange(1, max_num_guests+1)
    method = shared_bday[how] 

    sim = np.array([method(N, M=M) for N in number_of_guests]) 
    # let's get the 0.5 and 0.9 thresholds if they are reached.
        threshold50 = number_of_guests[np.where(sim > 0.5)[0][0]] 
    except IndexError:
        threshold50 = None
        threshold90 = number_of_guests[np.where(sim > 0.9)[0][0]] 
    except IndexError:
        threshold90 = None   
    step = ceil(max_num_guests / 10)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    plt.plot(number_of_guests, sim, 'g')
    plt.axhline(y=0.5, c='r', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
    plt.axhline(y=0.9, c='r', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
    plt.xticks(np.array(number_of_guests)[::step]-1, fontsize=14)
    plt.xlim(1, max_num_guests+1)
    plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.1), fontsize=14)
    plt.ylim(0, 1.01)
    plt.xlabel('number of guests', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('probability', fontsize=16)
    plt.title(f'Probability of {how} {M} people sharing a birthday', fontsize=18)

    if threshold50 is not None and how == "at least":
        print(f"50% threshold for {M} shared birthdays reached for {threshold50} guests.")
    if threshold90 is not None and how == "at least":
        print(f"90% threshold for {M} shared birthdays reached for {threshold90} guests.")
    return fig

As a sanity check, let’s redo the computation for pairs (M=2).

fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=2, max_num_guests=100)
50% threshold for 2 shared birthdays reached for 23 guests.
90% threshold for 2 shared birthdays reached for 41 guests.


Looking good!

With this new code we can now ask a different question.

What is the probability that we have at most than 2 people sharing a birthday?

fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=2, max_num_guests=100, how='at most')


This is a monotonically decreasing function of the number of guests (aside from the random noise), which makes sense.

This isn’t the most interesting of results so we’ll skip it henceforth.

Let’s look at the probability of the maximum number of shared birthdays being 2.

fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=2, max_num_guests=100, how='a maximum of')


That’s interesting. The probability starts off like the probability of observing at least 2 people sharing a birthday, but it never reaches the 90% threshold. Instead, after around 45 or so guests the probability starts decreasing. This of course makes sense, as the number of guests increases, we reach a point where having more than 2 people share a birthday is no longer unlikely. When the guests number is larger than 87, the probability of having only singletons (unique birthdays) or pairs dips below 50%. Let’s keep this in mind…

What about trios?

fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=3, max_num_guests=250)
50% threshold for 3 shared birthdays reached for 87 guests.
90% threshold for 3 shared birthdays reached for 132 guests.


Notice that the probability of having 3 or more people sharing a birthday reach the 50% mark for 87 guests.

This is the same value for which the probability of having no more than 2 people share a birthday drops below 50%.

This is not a coincidence as these two events are mutually exclusive. You can either have at most 2 people sharing a birthday ($M \leqslant 2$) or more than 2 people sharing a birthday ($M>2$ which is equivalent to $M \geqslant 3$ since we don’t usually chop up the guests into pieces).

What about having a maximum of 3 people share a birthday?

fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=3, max_num_guests=250, how='a maximum of')


Similarly to the pairs, the trios see their probability wane after about 130 guests, and it dips below 50% at about 188 guests. We can now guess what happens, as the number of guests reaches 188, the probability of having 4 or more people share a birthday is more likely than not. Which takes us to…


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=4, max_num_guests=500)
50% threshold for 4 shared birthdays reached for 188 guests.
90% threshold for 4 shared birthdays reached for 259 guests.


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=4, max_num_guests=500, how='a maximum of')


Once again we get that now familiar shape (notice that the shape becomes more symmetrical as M increases).

The decrease in probability heralds the arrival of…


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=5, max_num_guests=500)
50% threshold for 5 shared birthdays reached for 314 guests.
90% threshold for 5 shared birthdays reached for 413 guests.


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=5, max_num_guests=1000, how='a maximum of')



(This is starting to take some time to run…)

fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=6, max_num_guests=1000)
50% threshold for 6 shared birthdays reached for 457 guests.
90% threshold for 6 shared birthdays reached for 586 guests.


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=6, max_num_guests=1000, how='a maximum of')


We are barely reaching the 50% threshold now.

And one last one for the road.


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=7, max_num_guests=1000)
50% threshold for 7 shared birthdays reached for 616 guests.
90% threshold for 7 shared birthdays reached for 768 guests.


fig = plot_shared_birthday_prob(M=7, max_num_guests=1000, how='a maximum of')


It looks like were we to smoothen out this plot, the probability would never reach 50%.

There you have it!

Hopefully, this little exploration of the birthday problem illustrates how useful simulation can be. In the case of the generalised version of the problem beyond pairs, we were able to simulate the problem easily by making a small modification to our original code.

Perhaps one question remains. How can we be sure that our simulation gives a reasonable (however we want define it) approximation of the answer?

Well, for pairs we compared our code to the exact result. Can we do the same for M > 2?

It turns out that there exists an exact answer to this problem for the general case, however it is much more involved than our little derivation for M = 2.

For more information I’ll refer you to this paper by Fisher, Funk, and Sams.

We can nonetheless compare our simulation to the authors’ exact result for the 50% threshold for the values of M they used:

| M              | 2  | 3  | 4   | 5   | 6   | 7   |
| exact          | 23 | 88 | 187 | 313 | N/A | N/A |
| our simulation | 23 | 87 | 188 | 314 | 457 | 616 |

We’re in the right ball park. We could probably improve our results a bit by using more than 1000 trials.

It might also be interesting to record the variance across the trials during our simulation.

This, as they say, will be left as an exercise for the reader, and the next time you’re at a birthday party, if there are more than 23 people present be sure to sing “Haaaaappy birthday to youse!“, the pairs, trios, quartets, etc… will be grateful (the person organising the birthday party, not so much, oddly enough. There’s no pleasing some people anyway).

Do you feel lucky?

A coin flipped 100 times comes up heads 60 times. How likely is it that the coin is fair?

This is a basic example of statistical inference, trying to infer an estimate of some quantity (here the probability for heads) from some data (observation of 100 coin flips). This type of problem is invariably described in every first year stats course. To solve it, we first need to represent the underlying process generating our observations in a mathematical form. For coin flips, the binomial distribution is the natural choice. Let's affectionately call our random variable representing the number of heads $X$.

The probability of observing k heads in a run of N coin flips is given by the probability mass function (pmf):

$$P(X=k) = \left(\begin{array}{c}N \\ k \end{array} \right)p^k\, (1-p)^{N-k} = \dfrac{N!}{k!(N-k)!}\,p^k\, (1-p)^{N-k}$$

But where does this formula come from? It's actually quite simple. If we denote by p the probability of heads (outcome H) for one coin flip, the probability of tails (outcome T) is $1-p$ because we only have 2 mutually exclusive outcomes (we assume the coin doesn't land sideways).

If we flip the coin 2 times, since each coin flip is independent, we multiply the probabilities of the outcomes of each flip. For instance, the probability of observing HH (two heads) is $p^2$. The probability associated with TT is $(1-p)^2$, while the one associated with HT is $p(1-p)$, etc...

So if we flip the coin $N$ times, what is the probability of observing $k$ heads? Well, it's the probability of observing any configuration with $k$ heads and $N-k$ tails, which is $p^k(1-p)^{N-k}$ times the number of such configurations. To count the configurations we simply need to formalise the fact that, for this problem, the ordering doesn't matter. As far as we are concerned, HTH, HHT, and THH are equivalent, they all represent 2 heads in 3 coin flips. Instead of thinking about one coin flipped $N$ times, let's consider the equivalent problem of $N$ identical coins flipped once each.

How many ways can we arrange the $N$ coins? We've got $N$ options when picking the first coin. Once that's done, we've got $N-1$ ways of choosing the second coin, and so on, all the way to the last coin for which there's only one choice left to make, namely that very coin... This means that there are $N\times(N-1)\times\cdots2\times1$ ways or arranging the $N$ coins, which is the factorial of $N$ or $N!$.

Now suppose that $k\leq N$ of these coins have landed heads up. This means of course that $N-k$ coins show tails. If we were to reorder the $k$ coins among themselves, this would not change our result. We'd still have $k$ heads out of $N$ flips. Same with the $N-k$ tails. Therefore, when it comes to counting the number of configurations for which we have $k$ heads, we should divide the total number of ways to arrange $N$ coins by the total number of ways we can rearrange the $k$ heads among themselves, and the $N-k$ tails among themselves. This ends up to be the binomial coefficient called "N choose k":

$$\left(\begin{array}{c}N \\ k \end{array}\right) = \frac{N!}{k!(N-k)!}.$$

Hence the formula above.

One minor detail is that we don't know the value of $p$, the probability that a coin flip lands heads up. For a fair coin, we of course expect that $p=0.5$. Using the formula above we can also compute the probability of 60 heads out of 100 coin flips for a fair coin.

This will be our starting in figuring out how to compute an estimate of $p$.

Let’s import all the modules we need.

# usual stuff
from math import *
import numpy as np

# suppress warning messages.
import warnings

# import the scipy module which contains scientific and stats functions.
import scipy as sp

# import matplotlib and redirect plots to jupyter notebook. (cm is for color maps)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
%matplotlib inline

# sets the default figure size 
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)

# sets some default plotting styles.
import seaborn as sns

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

Let’s write a Python function that computes the formula above.

N = 100
k = 60
p = 0.5

def choose(N, k):
    return int(factorial(N)/(factorial(k) * factorial(N-k) ))

def binom(N, k, p):
    return choose(N, k) * p**k * (1-p)**(N-k)

binom(N, k, p)

So the pmf tells us that the probability of getting 60 heads out of 100 coin flips is a hair above 1%, if the coin is fair.

Note that this does not tell us if the coin is fair. So let’s determine how likely are we to observe 60 heads or more in a sequence of 100 flips from a fair coin.

There’s typically 2 ways that this problem is solved in introductory stats courses.

Method 1: Binomial Distribution

One-tailed binomial test.

Under the hypothesis that the coin is fair, the probability of observing at least 60 heads in a run of 100 coin flips can be computed using the one-tailed binomial test. One tailed means we only care for differences in one direction, either higher or smaller than the result that is expected under the hypothesis that the coin is fair. Here we only care about the probability of observing 60 or more heads. The scipy module has a suitable implementation of the two-tailed binomial test that we can divide by 2 to get the one-tailed result (note that we can divide the two-tailed result by 2 only because we are testing the hypothesis that the coin is fair and for p=0.5 the distribution is symmetric).

sp.stats.binom_test(k, n=N, p=0.5)/2

That's around 2.8%. This number is nothing more that the sum of the probabilities for all the values of k between 60 and 100.

$$\sum_{k = 60}^{100}\left(\begin{array}{c}N\\k \end{array} \right)p^k\, (1-p)^{N-k}$$

Here's a check using our binom function if you don't believe me.

sum(binom(N, k, p) for k in range(60, 101))


The sum version has the advantage of stating explicit what the computation is doing. We'll use this approach henceforth whenever we need to perform a binomial test.

Method 2: Normal approximation to the binomial distribution

One-tailed Z-test

When we have a large enough number of coin flips, we can approximate the discrete binomial distribution by a suitably defined continuous normal (gaussian) distribution with mean 50 ($=Np$) and standard deviation $\sqrt{Np(1-p)}$, courtesy of the famous central limit theorem.

This allows us to use the beloved Z test of introductory stats courses to determine the probability of observing at least 60 heads, under the hypothesis that the coin is fair. The Z test is just a way to compute how likely it is to observe a value of the the random variable that is beyond a given distance from its assumed mean, using units of the standard deviation.

Once again, scipy can help us by supplying the cumulative distribution function (cdf) for our normal distribution. The cdf is a function that tells us the probability of getting a value lower than, or equal to the value we are considering. The cdf obviously integrates (sums) to 1. By subtracting the cdf at a given value z_0 from 1, we get the probability of observing a result at least as large as z_0.

The probability we want is:

N = 100
k = 60
p = 0.5

1 - sp.stats.norm.cdf(k-0.5, loc=50, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p)))  # notice the -0.5?

We could have computed this directly by first computing the Z score for k, which is nothing more than the observed count of heads minus its average for a fair coin (50), divided by its standard deviation.

mean = 50
sd = sqrt(N*p*(1-p)) # standard deviation (the mean is 50 for a fair coin)
zscore = (k-0.5 - mean)/sd  # notice the -0.5?

1 - sp.stats.norm.cdf(zscore)


Why did we substract 0.5 from k? It called a continuity correction. We need it to compensate for the fact that we are substituting a continuous distribution for a discrete one.

Method 3: Simulation

This is all nice and peachy, but deep down, do we really understand everything we’ve done above? Coin flips are a fairly trivial concept, so our reasoning should be straightforward, however, what would we have done if we hadn’t been provided with the pmf of the binomial distribution? Since we derived from “first principles” above, it wouldn’t have been much of a problem. However, could we have worked out the normal approximation to the binomial distribution (a tad trickier perhaps, with that continuity-correction business)? There’s got to be a better way! Not really, but there’s a different way: simulation.

The question is how likely is it for a fair coin to land 60 or more times heads up in a sequence of 100 flips?

One way to find out is to flip a fair coin 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads. Then we flip the coin another 100 times and record the number of heads… You get the gist.

If we repeat this a large enough number of times, we should get an estimate of how likely it is for a fair coin to land heads up 60 or more times in a run of 100 flips simply by computing the proportion of trials where we got 60 or more heads.

Let the computer flip some coins for us!

numpy has a very useful function called random.randint that will randomly pick an integer drawn from a uniform random distribution.

For instance, let 1 correspond to heads and 0 to tails, we can simulate 10 flips of a fair coin with:

np.random.randint(0, 2, size=10)
array([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1])

Note that we can simulate multiple trials of 10 flips by passing a tuple to the size parameter of the function.

Here’s for instance a series of 3 trials with 10 flips each.

np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(3, 10))
array([[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
       [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]])

Let’s flip our fair coin 200 million times.

We’ll simulate 2 million trials of 100 coin flips. Since we get 1 for heads and 0 for tails, the number of heads in a trial is simply the sum of all the values observed in that trial.

We set the random seed so that we all get the same result, not that it matters that much here.


N = 100  # number of flips per trial
repeats = 2000000   # number of trials

# we flip the "coin" N times and compute the sum of 1s (heads).
# the whole thing is repeated "repeats" times.
coin_flips = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(repeats, N)).sum(axis=1)


Let’s compute the normal approximation to the binomial distribution for our case.

(this is so that we can plot it alongside our histogram)

p = 0.5  # probability of heads for a fair coin
x = np.linspace(coin_flips.min(), coin_flips.max(), 100)   # 100 evenly spaced values between the min and max counts
ndist = sp.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=p * N, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p))) # we use scipy to compute the normal approximation

Let’s plot the histogram of our simulation, as well as the normal approximation.

The red vertical line marks the observed result (number of heads).

plt.hist(coin_flips, bins=50, density=True, align='mid', edgecolor='w') # plot the histogram
plt.axvline(x=k, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r', label="observed # heads")  # plot a vertical line at x = k
plt.xlabel('k', fontsize=16) # label for the x axis
plt.ylabel('$P(k)$', fontsize=16) # label for the y axis
plt.title('{} coin flips repeated {:,d} times'.format(N, repeats), fontsize=16) # title of the figure
plt.plot(x, ndist, 'c', lw=3, label="normal approx.") # plot normal approximation curve
plt.legend(fontsize=14, loc=0)  # add legend
plt.show() # display the result


Let’s extract the proportion of our 100 coin flip trials which have 60 or more heads from our simulation.

np.mean(coin_flips >= k)


Computing the mean is the same as adding all the values for which the condition is true, which gives us the number of trials where we got at least k heads, and dividing by the number of trials, which gives us the proportion we're after.

np.sum(coin_flips >= k) / repeats


In the context of statistical inference (the frequentist kind), this probability is called a p-value. It gives us the probability of observing a result as or more extreme than the one observed ($X\geqslant 60$) if the null hypothesis ($p=0.5$) is true. It also sometimes gives statistics a bad name...

Not a bad estimate of the propability of having $X\geqslant 60$ under the (null) hypothesis that the coin is fair.

So it looks like our simulation works for 60 or more heads. It would be nice to check that it works for other values.

We could either change the value of k above, and re-run our code, or we could copy and paste the code and change the value of k, but neither approach is good programming practice. Whenever we realise that we’d like to run the same piece of code multiple times, for different values of parameters, we should wrap our code in a function.

Let’s do that.

def compute_pvalue(k=50):
          "\nOur simulation:         ", np.mean(coin_flips >= k),
          "\nScipy (Binomial test):  ", sum(binom(N, kvalue, 0.5) for kvalue in range(k, 101)),
          "\nScipy (Normal Approx):  ", 1 - sp.stats.norm.cdf(k-0.5, loc=50, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p))))
    plt.hist(coin_flips, bins=50, normed=True, edgecolor='w')
    plt.plot(x, ndist, 'c', lw=3)
    plt.axvline(x=k, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')
    plt.xlabel('k', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('$P(k)$', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('{} coin flips repeated {:,d} times'.format(N, repeats), fontsize=16)


Our simulation:          0.0285285 
Scipy (Binomial test):   0.028443966820490392 
Scipy (Normal Approx):   0.028716559816001852


We've considered the probability that the number of heads is at least k in a run of 100 coin flips.

Let's write a version of the code above that will compute, and visualise the probability that the number of heads is exactly k in a run of 100 coin flips, under the hypothesis that the coin is fair.

def compute_pvalue_B(k=50):
          "\nOur simulation:         ", np.mean(coin_flips == k),
          "\nScipy (Binomial test):  ", binom(N, k, 0.5),
          "\nScipy (Normal Approx):  ", sp.stats.norm.cdf(k+0.5, loc=50, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p))) - sp.stats.norm.cdf(k-0.5, loc=50, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p))))
    plt.hist(coin_flips, bins=50, edgecolor='w', normed=True)
    plt.plot(x, ndist, 'c', lw=3)
    plt.axvline(x=k, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')
    plt.xlabel('k', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('$P(k)$', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('{} coin flips repeated {:,d} times'.format(N, repeats), fontsize=16)

Our simulation:          0.0108845 
Scipy (Binomial test):   0.010843866711637987 
Scipy (Normal Approx):   0.010852139253185289


Let's now write a version of the code above that will compute, and visualise the probability that the number of heads is between two values k_1 and k_2 in a run of 100 coin flips, under the hypothesis that the coin is fair (assume that $0\leqslant k_1 \leqslant 50$ and $50 \leqslant k_2 \leqslant 100$).

def compute_pvalue(k1=40, k2=50):
    k1, k2 = min(k1, k2), max(k1, k2)
          "\nOur simulation:         ", np.mean(np.logical_and(coin_flips >= k1, coin_flips <= k2)),
          "\nScipy (Binomial test):  ", np.sum([binom(N, k, 0.5) for k in range(k1, k2+1)]),
          "\nScipy (Normal Approx):  ", sp.stats.norm.cdf(k2+0.5, loc=50, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p)))-
                                        sp.stats.norm.cdf(k1-0.5, loc=50, scale = sqrt(N*p*(1-p))) )
    plt.hist(coin_flips, bins=50, normed=True, edgecolor='w')
    plt.plot(x, ndist, 'c', lw=3)
    plt.axvline(x=k1, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='g')
    plt.axvline(x=k2, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')
    plt.xlabel('k', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('$P(k)$', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('{} coin flips repeated {:,d} times'.format(N, repeats), fontsize=16)

compute_pvalue(k1=45, k2=60)
Our simulation:          0.847064 
Scipy (Binomial test):   0.8467733878542303 
Scipy (Normal Approx):   0.8464695184908008


Dice roll

Aside from its usefulness in statistical inference, simulation is a nice way to explore problems which involve counting occurences of a certain event. Since this is the basic concept behind probability theory, simulation can be an convenient way to tackle probabilitic problems.

Let's look at a simple example.

Assuming that we have a regular, fair, six-sided die with sides numbered 1 to 6.

What is the probability of getting:

  • 6 when rolling the die once?
  • no 6 when rolling the die once?

What about the probability of getting:

  • no 6 when rolling the die twice?
  • a single 6 when rolling the die twice?
  • two 6s when rolling the die twice?

We can of course enumerate (count) all the ways you can obtain the required outcome, and normalise (divide) this by all the possible outcomes, but it’s not a great general strategy. A better way is to work out the exact mathematical formula for the probability we’re interested in. We’ll do that shortly, but first let’s just simulate the process of rolling dice.

Let's create a function roll_dice that takes two integers n_rolls and n_trials as arguments, and returns an array with the number of 6s obtained in each of the n_trials trials when we roll n_rolls dice at the same time.

For instance, roll_dice(2, 10) would return an array of 10 values representing the number of 6s observed when rolling 2 dice in each of the 10 trials.

We'll fix the random seed for reproducibility.

def roll_dice(n_rolls, n_trials):
    die_rolls = (np.random.randint(1, 7, size = (n_trials, n_rolls)) == 6).sum(axis=1)
    return die_rolls
roll_dice(2, 10)
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0])

Note that the values in the array represent the number of 6s observed in each of the 10 trials.

The function below will visualise the result of roll_dice as a histogram.

It uses the roll_dice function to compute the counts of 6s across n_trials trials by default.

It will also output the numerical value for the proportion of 6s in each case.

def plot_histogram(n_rolls = 3, n_trials = 100000):
    rolls = roll_dice(n_rolls=n_rolls, n_trials=n_trials)
    values = plt.hist(rolls, 
                      alpha = 0.6, 
    plt.xticks(np.arange(n_rolls+1), fontsize=13)
    plt.yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 11), fontsize=13)
    plt.title(f'Number of 6s in {n_rolls} rolls over {n_trials:,} trials',
    print("\n".join([f"Number of 6s: {i:3d} | Proportion: {values[0][i]:.6f}" 
                     for i in range(n_rolls+1)]))
Number of 6s:   0 | Proportion: 0.695630
Number of 6s:   1 | Proportion: 0.276400
Number of 6s:   2 | Proportion: 0.027970


Number of 6s:   0 | Proportion: 0.580000
Number of 6s:   1 | Proportion: 0.345960
Number of 6s:   2 | Proportion: 0.069400
Number of 6s:   3 | Proportion: 0.004640


Assuming that we have regular, fair, six-sided dice, what is the probability of getting exactly five 6s when we roll 10 dice at the same time (or the same die 10 times in a row)?


The choose function we introduced earlier gives us the number of ways you can pick k interchangeable items from a collection of N elements.

Using the choose function we introduced earlier, we can write the proportion of rolls where we get exactly 5 sixes. In 10 rolls, we have $6^{10}$ possible outcomes. If we observe 5 sixes, this means that we also have 5 values other than 6. These 5 values come in $5^5$ combinations (5 ways to choose something other than 6 for each of the 5 dice). How many ways are there to choose which 5 dice don't show a 6: "10 choose 5" ways. Hence:

choose(10, 5) * 5**5 / 6 ** 10

Meaning that the probability of observing five 6s in 10 rolls is about 1.3%.

We can check that against our dice roll simulation code.

plot_histogram(n_rolls=10, n_trials=1000000)
Number of 6s:   0 | Proportion: 0.161252
Number of 6s:   1 | Proportion: 0.323586
Number of 6s:   2 | Proportion: 0.290073
Number of 6s:   3 | Proportion: 0.155074
Number of 6s:   4 | Proportion: 0.054466
Number of 6s:   5 | Proportion: 0.013067
Number of 6s:   6 | Proportion: 0.002203
Number of 6s:   7 | Proportion: 0.000253
Number of 6s:   8 | Proportion: 0.000026
Number of 6s:   9 | Proportion: 0.000000
Number of 6s:  10 | Proportion: 0.000000


The exact result.

Let's implement the formula for an arbitrary number k of 6s when rolling N fair dice ($k\leqslant N$).

We'll call this function number_of_sixes(N, k).

We’ll use this function to:

  1. check the simulation results in the histogram above.
  2. compute the probability of getting at least five 6s in 10 rolls of a die.
  3. compute the probability of getting at most five 6s in 10 rolls of a die.

def number_of_sixes(N, k):
    return choose(N, k)*5**(N-k)/6**N

for i in range(11):
    print("Probability of {:2d} 6s in 10 rolls: {:.6f}".format(i, number_of_sixes(10, i)))
print("\nProbability of at least five 6s in 10 rolls: {:.6f}".format(sum(number_of_sixes(10, k) for k in range(5, 11))))

print("\nProbability of at most five 6s in 10 rolls: {:.6f}".format(sum(number_of_sixes(10, k) for k in range(6))))
Probability of  0 6s in 10 rolls: 0.161506
Probability of  1 6s in 10 rolls: 0.323011
Probability of  2 6s in 10 rolls: 0.290710
Probability of  3 6s in 10 rolls: 0.155045
Probability of  4 6s in 10 rolls: 0.054266
Probability of  5 6s in 10 rolls: 0.013024
Probability of  6 6s in 10 rolls: 0.002171
Probability of  7 6s in 10 rolls: 0.000248
Probability of  8 6s in 10 rolls: 0.000019
Probability of  9 6s in 10 rolls: 0.000001
Probability of 10 6s in 10 rolls: 0.000000

Probability of at least five 6s in 10 rolls: 0.015462

Probability of at most five 6s in 10 rolls: 0.997562

Our simulation results above are in good agreement with these exact values.

Seinfeld's Magnificent Seven

In this post I want to take a look at a classic data set: the US baby names.

While the origin of many names can be found in popular culture and (what's the alternative to popular culture? impopular culture?) elsewhere, we shall focus on how the TV show Seinfeld may have influenced the naming of hundreds of innocent babies.

We'll roughly follow the steps outlined by Wes McKinney in his excellent book Python for Data Analysis to load the data.

Let's first start by importing a couple of modules.

from math import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import os

from pathlib import Path

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))

A. Loading the data

The dataset can be downloaded from http://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html.

(Follow the link and download the dataset in the datasets directory, in a directory called names, and unzip it).

The dataset contains the top 1000 most popular names starting in 1880.

The data for each year is in its own text file. For instance, the data for 1880 is in the file yob1880.txt (which should be located in the datasets/names/ folder.)

The first thing to do is merge the data for all the different years into a single dataframe, however, as a warm up, let’s look at the data for a single year.

input_path = Path('data/names/yob1880.txt')
!head {input_path}
names1880 = pd.read_csv(input_path, names=['name', 'sex', 'births'])
name sex births
0 Mary F 7065
1 Anna F 2604
2 Emma F 2003
3 Elizabeth F 1939
4 Minnie F 1746

Let’s try to automate the loading of all the files.

First we need a list of all the files in our directory.

A Path object has a glob method that returns a generator with the elements within a given directory.

dataset_dir = Path('data/names')
files = [item.name for item in sorted(dataset_dir.glob("*.txt"))]
# Extract a list of years
years = [item[3:7] for item in files]

We gather the data into a single dataset in two steps:

  1. We create a list of dataframes where each element corresponds to a particular year.
  2. We concatenate all the data (why can’t we use merge here?) into a single dataframe.
L = []
for file, year in zip(files, years):
    path = Path(dataset_dir, file)
    df = pd.read_csv(path, names=['name', 'sex', 'births'])
    df['year'] = year
names = pd.concat(L)    
name sex births year
0 Mary F 7065 1880
1 Anna F 2604 1880
2 Emma F 2003 1880
3 Elizabeth F 1939 1880
4 Minnie F 1746 1880

It's always a good idea to check the data types of our features (columns). Don't assume that the data you downloaded is in the right format.

If we fix any issue early, it'll make the analysis a lot easier.

name      object
sex       object
births     int64
year      object
dtype: object

The year feature is of type object which is Python’s way of telling us it’s got a generic datatype.

We’d like it to be a datetime type so let’s fix that.

Pandas has several features that make manipulating date and timestamp objects easy.

(We’ll also change the type of sex to category while we’re at it)

names['year'] = pd.to_datetime(names['year'])
names['sex'] = names.sex.astype('category')
name sex births year
0 Mary F 7065 1880-01-01
1 Anna F 2604 1880-01-01
2 Emma F 2003 1880-01-01
3 Elizabeth F 1939 1880-01-01
4 Minnie F 1746 1880-01-01

Notice how our year column has been changed into a datetime object.

By default, since we only specified the year, the datetime object is set at time 00:00:00 on the 1st of January.

name              object
sex             category
births             int64
year      datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

B. Exploring the data

So how big is our dataset?

name      1924665
sex       1924665
births    1924665
year      1924665
dtype: int64

How is the data split on the sex of the baby?

F    1138293
M     786372
Name: sex, dtype: int64

Let’s get percentages.

names.sex.value_counts(normalize=True).apply(lambda x: f'{x*100:.0f}%')
F    59%
M    41%
Name: sex, dtype: object

Let’s find the total number of births for each year, for both sexes.

total_births_per_year_per_sex = names.pivot_table('births', index='year', columns='sex', aggfunc=sum)
sex F M
1880-01-01 90993 110491
1881-01-01 91953 100743
1882-01-01 107847 113686
1883-01-01 112319 104627
1884-01-01 129020 114442


The pivot_table method is just a convenient shortcut for a groupby operation.

names.groupby(['year', 'sex']).births.sum().unstack().head()
sex F M
1880-01-01 90993 110491
1881-01-01 91953 100743
1882-01-01 107847 113686
1883-01-01 112319 104627
1884-01-01 129020 114442
total_births_per_year_per_sex.plot(figsize=(12, 6), 
                                   title="Total births by sex and year", 
                                   color=('r', 'g'), 


How many unique names are there for each year and gender?

unique_names = names.groupby(['year', 'sex'])['name'].nunique().unstack()
unique_names.plot(figsize=(12, 6), title="Unique names by sex and year", lw=3, color=('r', 'g'), alpha=0.5);


How many names from 1880 were still used in the most recent year we have, and which ones have fallen into desuetude?

last_year = names.year.dt.year.max()

s1880 = set(names[names.year.dt.year == 1880]['name'].unique())
slast = set(names[names.year.dt.year == last_year]['name'].unique())

There were {len(s1880)} distinct names recorded in 1880
There were {len(slast)} distinct names recorded in {last_year}\n
{len(slast.intersection(s1880))} names were found in both years
{len(s1880.difference(slast))} names found in 1880 were not recorded in {last_year}
{len(slast.difference(s1880))} names found in {last_year} were not recorded in 1880

print(f"The names recorded in 1880 but no longer in use in {last_year} are:\n\n", 
      sorted([item for item in s1880.difference(slast)]))
There were 1889 distinct names recorded in 1880
There were 29910 distinct names recorded in 2017

1501 names were found in both years
388 names found in 1880 were not recorded in 2017
28409 names found in 2017 were not recorded in 1880

The names recorded in 1880 but no longer in use in 2017 are:

 ['Ab', 'Adelbert', 'Adline', 'Adolf', 'Adolphus', 'Agustus', 'Albertina', 'Albertine', 'Albertus', 'Alcide', 'Alda', 'Alf', 'Algie', 'Almeda', 'Almer', 'Almon', 'Alonza', 'Alpheus', 'Altha', 'Alvah', 'Alvena', 'Alverta', 'Alvia', 'Anner', 'Annis', 'Araminta', 'Arch', 'Ardelia', 'Ardella', 'Arminta', 'Arther', 'Arvid', 'Arvilla', 'Asberry', 'Asbury', 'Aurthur', 'Auther', 'Author', 'Authur', 'Babe', 'Ballard', 'Bama', 'Barnett', 'Barney', 'Bart', 'Bedford', 'Bena', 'Benjaman', 'Benjamine', 'Bertie', 'Berton', 'Bertram', 'Bess', 'Besse', 'Bettie', 'Bird', 'Birt', 'Birtha', 'Birtie', 'Blanch', 'Budd', 'Buford', 'Bulah', 'Burley', 'Burr', 'Butler', 'Byrd', 'Caddie', 'Celie', 'Ceylon', 'Chalmers', 'Chancy', 'Charlotta', 'Chas', 'Chin', 'Christena', 'Cicero', 'Cinda', 'Clarance', 'Clarinda', 'Classie', 'Claud', 'Claudie', 'Claudine', 'Claus', 'Clemie', 'Clemmie', 'Cloyd', 'Clyda', 'Colonel', 'Commodore', 'Concepcion', 'Corda', 'Cordella', 'Cordia', 'Cordie', 'Corine', 'Cornelious', 'Creola', 'Dee', 'Dellar', 'Dewitt', 'Dicie', 'Dick', 'Dillard', 'Dillie', 'Docia', 'Dock', 'Doctor', 'Dolphus', 'Donie', 'Dosha', 'Doshia', 'Doshie', 'Dow', 'Drucilla', 'Drusilla', 'Duff', 'Earle', 'Early', 'Edd', 'Edmonia', 'Ednah', 'Edyth', 'Effa', 'Eldora', 'Electa', 'Elick', 'Eliga', 'Eligah', 'Elige', 'Elizebeth', 'Ellar', 'Elmire', 'Elmo', 'Elmore', 'Elzie', 'Emmer', 'Eola', 'Ephriam', 'Erasmus', 'Erastus', 'Ernst', 'Estell', 'Estie', 'Etha', 'Ethelyn', 'Ethyl', 'Etna', 'Etter', 'Fayette', 'Ferd', 'Finis', 'Firman', 'Flem', 'Fleming', 'Florance', 'Florida', 'Flossie', 'Floy', 'Freda', 'Friend', 'Frona', 'Fronie', 'Fronnie', 'Garfield', 'Gee', 'Gorge', 'Gottlieb', 'Green', 'Guss', 'Gussie', 'Gust', 'Gustavus', 'Hamp', 'Handy', 'Hardie', 'Harl', 'Harrie', 'Harriette', 'Harve', 'Hassie', 'Hedwig', 'Helma', 'Hence', 'Hermann', 'Hermine', 'Hessie', 'Hester', 'Hettie', 'Hillard', 'Hilliard', 'Hilma', 'Holmes', 'Hortense', 'Hosteen', 'Hoy', 'Hulda', 'Huldah', 'Hyman', 'Icy', 'Idell', 'Irven', 'Isham', 'Izora', 'Jennette', 'Josiephine', 'Junious', 'Kittie', 'Kizzie', 'Knute', 'Lafe', 'Lavenia', 'Lavonia', 'Lawyer', 'Leatha', 'Leitha', 'Lem', 'Lemma', 'Lessie', 'Letha', 'Letitia', 'Letta', 'Lew', 'Lewie', 'Liddie', 'Lidie', 'Lige', 'Liller', 'Lillis', 'Lissie', 'Littie', 'Lollie', 'Loma', 'Lon', 'Lonie', 'Lotta', 'Louetta', 'Loula', 'Louvenia', 'Lovisa', 'Ludie', 'Lue', 'Lugenia', 'Lular', 'Lulie', 'Lum', 'Lutie', 'Luvenia', 'Madge', 'Madie', 'Madora', 'Mal', 'Malvina', 'Mammie', 'Manda', 'Manerva', 'Manervia', 'Manford', 'Manie', 'Manley', 'Manly', 'Margaretta', 'Margeret', 'Mart', 'Mat', 'Math', 'Matie', 'Maymie', 'Media', 'Melville', 'Mertie', 'Merton', 'Meta', 'Mettie', 'Mignon', 'Milford', 'Mima', 'Minda', 'Miner', 'Minervia', 'Minor', 'Minta', 'Mintie', 'Missouri', 'Mittie', 'Mont', 'Mortimer', 'Morton', 'Mozella', 'Myrta', 'Myrtie', 'Myrtle', 'Nan', 'Nannie', 'Nat', 'Nealie', 'Neppie', 'Nimrod', 'Nolie', 'Nonie', 'Norval', 'Ocie', 'Octave', 'Oda', 'Olie', 'Omie', 'Onie', 'Oral', 'Orie', 'Orilla', 'Orley', 'Orpha', 'Orrie', 'Orval', 'Osie', 'Ossie', 'Otelia', 'Otha', 'Otho', 'Ottie', 'Pansy', 'Paralee', 'Pat', 'Pattie', 'Pearlie', 'Perley', 'Permelia', 'Pink', 'Pinkey', 'Pinkie', 'Pinkney', 'Pleas', 'Pleasant', 'Ples', 'Pollie', 'Press', 'Redden', 'Rella', 'Reta', 'Rice', 'Rillie', 'Roena', 'Rolla', 'Rosia', 'Rube', 'Sannie', 'Sim', 'Squire', 'Sudie', 'Sybilla', 'Sylvanus', 'Tella', 'Tempie', 'Tennie', 'Teressa', 'Theda', 'Theophile', 'Thursa', 'Tilmon', 'Tishie', 'Tobe', 'Ula', 'Vannie', 'Venie', 'Verdie', 'Vern', 'Verne', 'Vernie', 'Vertie', 'Viney', 'Virgie', 'Volney', 'Wash', 'Watt', 'Weaver', 'Wilburn', 'Wilda', 'Wilhelmine', 'Willam', 'Wm', 'Wong', 'Wood', 'Woodie', 'Worthy', 'Yee', 'Yetta', 'Zilpha']

C. Data Exploration

Let's extract the names that were given to both male and female babies and put it in a list named both.

s1 = set(names[names.sex == 'F']['name'])
s2 = set(names[names.sex == 'M']['name'])

both = list(s1.intersection(s2))
print(f"{len(both)} names in our dataset were given to both boys and girls. \n\n Here's a sample:\n")

print(" | ".join(list(both)[:100]))
10663 names in our dataset were given to both boys and girls. 

 Here's a sample:

Ovis | Honor | Honore | Brandyn | Dorcus | Michel | Million | Donavan | Kemonie | Alie | Shalom | Sagan | Maeson | Kharis | Tenny | Daron | Madeline | Torey | Dandy | Nasir | Lavorn | Tracey | Ali | Kanya | Huey | Hershel | Kiren | Unnamed | Mose | Dakari | Navid | Krystian | Koi | Giavonni | Justine | Kamar | Derrell | Rajdeep | Leyton | Mong | Seattle | Vader | Anias | Camaree | Zimri | Khamauri | Jireh | Choyce | Cleo | Marki | Keontay | Shakari | Amarie | Jrue | Refugia | Luster | Levorn | Dillon | Joie | Dalas | Son | Graham | Samie | Larson | Kylynn | Kearney | Dejah | Teegan | Jahzel | Brunell | Delijah | Asiyah | Taelin | Rafa | Edward | Essie | Kenzie | Kwan | Honour | Britney | Shirl | Dara | Berthal | Keymoni | Madelyn | Dorey | Trinell | Maury | Skyylar | Courtnay | Lyncoln | Modie | Octavious | Jaice | Snow | Domique | Eva | Jeremy | Kobee | Sae

Upon a more careful examination of the whole output, some interesting observations can be made.

For instance I would expect names like Lucille to be only given to girls (or B.B. King's guitar), but according to our result, these names were also given to boys.

On the other hand, while to me the name Basil may evoke a cantankerous hotel manager in Torquay, apparently, some parents thought it the perfect moniker for their baby girl. Similarly, the name Sylvester was given to both boys and girls.

Let's have a closer look.

names[names.name == 'Lucille'].head()
name sex births year
248 Lucille F 40 1880-01-01
223 Lucille F 48 1881-01-01
170 Lucille F 85 1882-01-01
220 Lucille F 66 1883-01-01
188 Lucille F 94 1884-01-01

In how many years does the name Lucille appear for either boys or girls?

names[names.name == 'Lucille']['sex'].value_counts()
F    138
M     49
Name: sex, dtype: int64


Note that this is not the number of babies of each sex with that name.

We've grouped the data by year and sex so this count corresponds to the number of years in which at least five babies of either gender were named Lucille (5 being the yearly threshold beyond which a name isn't recorded in the data set).

We can compute the same information for other names.

names[names.name == 'Basil']['sex'].value_counts()
M    138
F     13
Name: sex, dtype: int64
names[names.name == 'Sylvester']['sex'].value_counts()
M    138
F     62
Name: sex, dtype: int64
names[names.name == 'Hannah']['sex'].value_counts()
F    138
M     38
Name: sex, dtype: int64

Let’s get the total number of babies named Basil for any given year?

basil = names[names.name == 'Basil'].pivot_table('births', 
                                                 aggfunc=np.sum )
sex F M
1880-01-01 0 11
1881-01-01 0 9
1882-01-01 0 12
1883-01-01 0 8
1884-01-01 0 11

Let’s filter out the years where no girl was named Basil.

basil[basil.F != 0]
sex F M
1919-01-01 7 262
1927-01-01 5 249
2006-01-01 7 64
2008-01-01 5 31
2009-01-01 7 56
2010-01-01 11 47
2011-01-01 7 44
2012-01-01 20 45
2013-01-01 21 56
2014-01-01 17 44
2015-01-01 16 52
2016-01-01 22 60
2017-01-01 24 58

Note that we have 13 years, in agreement with the output of value_counts above.

Let’s visualise this for a couple of names. I’m using a log scale because otherwise only the data for the dominant gender would be visible.

basil.plot(figsize=(12, 6), logy=True, marker='o', lw=0, 
           color=('red', 'green'), title='Basil', 


We can daisy chain the name selection and the plotting.

(names[names.name == 'Christina']
 .plot(figsize=(12, 6),
       logy=True, marker='o', lw=0,
       color=('r', 'g'), 


Let’s put that code into a function to make it more convenient and follow the DRY principle.

def timeline_name(name='Basil', use_log=True):
    ax = (names[names.name == name]
            .plot(figsize=(10, 6),
                  color=('r', 'g'), 
    ax.set_xlabel('year', fontsize=14)
    ax.set_ylabel('count', fontsize=14)
    ax.set_title(name, fontsize=16)




D. The Seinfeld effect?

Note that a plausible explanation of why the dominant gender for a given name may have changed over the years can sometimes be found relatively easily, as in the case of the name Ashley...

For other names, a change in popularity may be due to a less conventional reason...

In an episode of Seinfeld George mentions to his friends that should he ever have a kid, he'd name him (or her) Seven, after the jersey number of Yankee baseball player Mickey Mantle.

First, let’s check whether “Seven” is in our data set.

'Seven' in names.name.unique()

Giddy up!

The Seinfeld episode was aired in 1996.

Let’s see if there’s any indication that it may have influenced the popularity of the name “Seven”.

First let’s create a date range over which to plot the data.

seinfeldYear = '1996'
start = '1991'
end   = '2018'

# Let's create a range of dates from start to end.
date_range = pd.date_range(start, end, freq='A-JAN')
DatetimeIndex(['1991-01-31', '1992-01-31', '1993-01-31', '1994-01-31',
               '1995-01-31', '1996-01-31', '1997-01-31', '1998-01-31',
               '1999-01-31', '2000-01-31', '2001-01-31', '2002-01-31',
               '2003-01-31', '2004-01-31', '2005-01-31', '2006-01-31',
               '2007-01-31', '2008-01-31', '2009-01-31', '2010-01-31',
               '2011-01-31', '2012-01-31', '2013-01-31', '2014-01-31',
               '2015-01-31', '2016-01-31', '2017-01-31'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='A-JAN')

Let’s visualise the trend for “Seven”.

# The data
data = (names[names.name == 'Seven']

# The base plot
ax = data.plot(figsize=(12, 8), 
          color=('r', 'g'), 

# The vertical strip
ax.axvline(seinfeldYear, ymin=0, ymax=1000, lw=15, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
ax.set_xlim([start, end])

# Ensure that the labels on the x axis match the years.
ax.set_xticklabels(date_range.year, rotation=0, ha='center' )

# Annotate the figure with some text by specifying location using xy parameter
ax.annotate('Episode "The Seven" is aired', 
            xy=(pd.to_datetime(seinfeldYear, format="%Y"), 100),



Note that this does not prove that the show "created" the name fad (correlation ≠ causation and all that; there could be another reason behind both the increase in popularity of the name, and the use of the name in the show), but it does seem to indicate that it enhanced it...

Poor kids! Serenity now!

E. Mom & Pop culture

While we’re on this topic, can we find other possible influences of pop culture in the data set?

Let’s create a general function that we can use to plot various trends.

def plot_name_event(data = names, name="Seven",
                    year='1996', start='1968', end='2013', 
                    event = '', freq='A-JAN'):    
    date_range   = pd.date_range(start, end, freq=freq)
    data = (names[names.name == name]
    ax = data.plot(figsize=(14, 6), 
                   color=('r', 'g'), 
                   title = f"Name: {name} | {event} in {year}", 
    ax.axvline(year, ymin=0, ymax=data.max().max(), lw=15, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
    ax.set_xlim([start, end])
    ax.set_ylim([0, data.loc[data.index <= date_range[-1]].max().max()*1.1])

    ax.set_xticklabels(date_range.year, rotation=90, ha='center' )

First, let’s look at a few movie characters/actors.

plot_name_event(name="Neo", year='1999', start='1990', 
                event='The movie The Matrix is released')


plot_name_event(name="Trinity", year='1999', start='1990', 
                event='The movie The Matrix is released')


How about further back in time?

Errol Flynn got his big break in Captain Blood back in 1935. Let’s see if all that swashbuckling influenced parents when it came to naming their progeny.

plot_name_event(name="Errol",  year='1935', start='1931', end='1961', 
                event='The movie Captain Blood is released')


Another possible Hollywood influence around the same time.

plot_name_event(name="Hedy",  year='1938', start='1915', end='1971', 
                event="The actress Hedy Lamarr made her Hollywood debut")


Earlier still

plot_name_event(name="Greta",  year='1925', start='1910', end='1981', 
                event="The actress Greta Garbo made her Hollywood debut")


Of course, we can’t talk about movies without talking about Star Wars.

Let’s see if we can track the names of some of the characters.

plot_name_event(name="Leia",  year='1977', start='1970', end='1995', 
                event='The movie Star Wars is released')


plot_name_event(name="Han",  year='1977', start='1970', end='2015', 
                event='The movie Star Wars is released')


plot_name_event(name="Lando",  year='1977', start='1970', end='2015', 
                event='The movie Star Wars is released')


Hmmmm… A bit surprising.

What about other characters from the trilogy?

Fortunately (for the kids) there doesn’t seem to be any Jabba or Jar Jar in our list… (TBH, I’m mildly disappointed).

characters = {"jabba", "yoda", "chewbacca", "jar jar"}

set(names.name.str.lower().unique()) & characters

Let’s look at the main character of another popular movie series.

plot_name_event(name="Indiana",  year='1981', start='1970', end='2015', 
                event="The movie Raiders Of The Lost Ark was released")


While on this topic…

plot_name_event(name="Harrison",  year='1981', start='1975', end='2015', 
                event="The movie Raiders Of The Lost Ark was released")


In a different genre we also have:

plot_name_event(name="Clint",  year='1966', start='1950', end='1981', 
                event="The movie The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly was released")


We’ve focused on movies, but of course, popular culture’s influence on baby names isn’t limited to movies or television.

Songs or singers can also contribute to the popularity of a given name.

Here are a couple of examples.

plot_name_event(name="Elvis",  year='1955', start='1945', end='1991', 
                event="Radios start playing Elvis Presley's songs")


plot_name_event(name="Michelle",  year='1965', start='1960', end='1981', 
                event='The song Michelle is released by The Beatles')


plot_name_event(name="Jermaine",  year='1970', start='1960', end='1990', 
                event="The Jackson 5 top the charts")


… And a couple of more recent ones

plot_name_event(name="Beyonce",  year='1998', start='1995', end='2015', 
                event="The group Destiny's Child released its debut album")


Same with sport.

plot_name_event(name="Kobe",  year='1996', start='1988', end='2015',
                event="NBA player Kobe Bryant made his debut in the league")


I’ll stop here, but I’m sure many other interesting patterns can be found in this data set…

As I mentioned earlier, the fact that a name’s increase in popularity coincides with a particular event isn’t enough to demonstrate a causal relationship, however for some of these examples the coincidence is certainly interesting.

In any case, I’d like to think that hundreds, if not thousands, of people owe their moniker to George Costanza.

A sobering thought.

That’s ok. It could have been worse…

"Mulva" in names.name.unique()

I had to check!